

傳統的中國園林哲學中展現出了文人如何詮釋自己的理念和美學品味。其中最著名的技法就是用鐵絲限制並操弄植物的生長,並且苛刻的隨時修剪亂枝,另一個常有的元素是加入擬真人造假山,這兩種純人工的產物卻是為了模擬自然的原始狀態而存在,顯示出在這個人造宇宙中所有的創作,多麼的自相矛盾。 以盆景作為我創作的主題,是為了表達我對人類佔有慾以及控制慾的好奇,自然和人類本性在這種狀態下產生的扭曲也是我想表達的。而這些人與人糾纏在一起的盆栽,甚至無須外力介入就已彼此扭曲。他們的想要控制的慾望和對於權力的汲汲營營,讓這些盆栽裡的人只能遷就著賴活在盆裡面。卻也未有人抗拒這種不自然的狀態,因為他們沉迷與追求擁有和控制,對於自己的不自然業已盲目;這種群體一致追求擁有的慾望和奴役他人權力慾,塑造了他們的型態,將自己限制在一個小小的盆裡。 將這樣的心態形象化並非為了指控哪個特定的族群,這創作代表了我們所有的人,包括我在內,也因此,我不斷重複我的自畫像;不過選擇使用自畫像的原因,也許是因為我仍然執迷於發掘並且企圖馴化我的本性。 在某些作品中的人類盆景可能貌似自在滿足,但是當自然變得樂於受限,真正的生機已然終結。我們越是試圖擁有和操縱,我們真正關心的事物越是遭到扼殺,但人類似乎看不破這矛盾衝突。「慾望、擺設」讓觀眾自由搭配植栽以及盆的作品,則是為了讓觀者實際品味泯滅人類本性的惡趣味。 最後,實際種植盆栽並植於我的手工陶盆中,是我為了平衡追求自我存在以及與自然和平共存的不懈努力,塵世俗人的存在慾望究竟能否避免摧毀否定自然,是我不曾停止自問的一個課題。


Aesthetics and tastes integrated in traditional Chinese garden show how the Chinese intellectuals and the privileged portray their philosophy and interpret the universe. Their signature technique is using wires to restrict and manipulate natural growth of a plant and trimming constantly the undesired parts in order to simulate a plant’s original state. Another favored element is man-made natural-looking rocks. All the creations in this artificial universe are made to be paradoxical. Using Bonsai as my theme of creation express my curiosity of this possessiveness of human over the natural existence and his/her own nature. The Bonsais of living human don’t even have to be shaped by wires to twist each other’s existence. With their desire of power and desire to control and possess, the development of these human Bonsai fits in perfectly and only to the pot they put themselves, and no one ever rejects to their unnatural state because they are so obsessed with their pursuit of owning and controlling. This united will of possessing and enslaving others limits their state of being; hence they grow only in a tiny pot. This physic representation of a mindset does not point at any specific group; it represents all of us, including me. Therefore, the multiple self-portraits of me are used, or perhaps it’s my obsession over discovering and taming my own nature. In some of the human Bonsai, people may look content, but when nature becomes happy to be trapped and restricted, the true doom of life has been achieved. The harder we try to own and manipulate others, the more we are killing what we actually care, yet human beings seem to fail to see this conflict. The series that involves viewer to choose whichever pot they wish to load whichever human Bonsai allows the viewers to physically enact the manipulation and enjoy this malice at the same time. At the end, planting Bonsai in my hand-made pots is my attempt to reconcile with my possessiveness and the nature. However paradoxical it may be, this is still my longing to find out how to exist without denying and destroying the nature.


Desire Control Deform



