  • 學位論文


The Correlated Factors with Pedagogical Knowledge, Aesthetic Competence and Job Satisfaction of Community Colleges Teachers – Based on Data from Community Colleges of Taipei

指導教授 : 余昕晏


本研究旨在探討社區大學教師教學知能、美感素養與教學工作滿意度之關係,研究問題包括:(一)臺灣推動社區大學美感教育可能實施方式為何?(二)本研究社區大學教師之教學知能、美感素養與教學工作滿意度之概況為何?(三)本研究社區大學教師不同個人背景對教學知能、美感素養與教學工作滿意度是否有顯著差異?(四)本研究社區大學教師教學知能、美感素養與教學工作滿意度之關係為何?最後,提出未來在社區大學場域中推動美感教育的建議,提供相關人員參考。   研究方法以自編問卷之量化研究為主,其中個人因素包含「性別」、「年齡」、「教學年資」、「任教課程類別」、「教育程度」以及「是否參與藝術課程進修研習活動」,教學知能包含「教學實施」與「教學信念」,美感素養包含「藝術素養」(藝術參與、藝術態度)與「人文涵養」(社會關懷、人文思維),教學工作滿意度包含「行政與政策」、「價值與意義」。研究對象為臺北市社區大學教師,採取任意抽樣,取樣人數為188人。   本研究結果發現: 一、美感教育並非僅提升藝術素養,更包含人文關懷以及社會實踐的器識。此外,美感教育重視「經驗」的歷程,透過社區本位的藝術實踐,以及社會參與式藝術的概念,可協助社區大學推動美感教育。 二、社區大學教師僅教學工作滿意度中的「行政與政策」分數稍低,其餘自評分數皆高。 三、社區大學教師以t檢定與ANOVA單因子變異數分析在美感素養的差異,發現「年齡」、「教學年資」、「課程類別」、「教育程度」以及「進修狀況」對教學知能、美感素養以及教學工作滿意度皆達顯著差異。個人背景變項中,僅「性別」對美感素養有顯著差異。 四、透過多元迴歸分析,藝術素養對教學知能的解釋力為32.2%,人文涵養對教學知能的解釋力為21.5%,整體美感素養對教學知能的解釋力達39.1%。 五、透過階層迴歸分析,探討教學知能、美感素養對於教學工作滿意度的整體解釋力為54.7%。另外透過逐步迴歸分析,發現「教學知能—教學實施」與「藝術素養—藝術態度」為影響教學工作滿意度的重要因素。 六、透過結構方程模式建構與驗證分析,教學知能透過美感素養對教學工作滿意度有正向的直接與間接影響效果,總效果值為0.88,直接效果值0.71,間接效果值0.17,故美感素養並非影響社區大學教師教學工作滿意度的關鍵因素。


The Purpose of the study was to investigate the correlated factors with the pedagogical knowledge, aesthetic competence and job satisfaction of community colleges teachers.   The research questions included: 1.How to implement aesthetic education in community colleges in Taiwan? 2.What are the teachers’ pedagogical knowledge, aesthetic competence and job satisfaction? 3.Were there any significant differences among the different individual factors? 4.What are the correlated factors with the pedagogical knowledge, aesthetic competence and job satisfaction of community colleges teachers?   Finally, the researcher offers his conclusions and suggestions based on results from the related persons.   The research data was collected by using quantitative methods. All study participations completed a questionnaire, which consisted the pedagogical knowledge scale, the aesthetic competence scale, and the job satisfaction scale, and the demographic background survey. Based on the theories and research studies, the questionnaire was developed by the researcher. The model consisted of four parts: the demographic information, the pedagogical knowledge, the aesthetic competence, and job satisfaction. The demographic information includes gender, age, teaching year, course category, educational background, and refresher course. The pedagogical knowledge scale includes teaching implementation and teaching beliefs. The aesthetic competence scale includes art literacy (art knowledge and art attitude) and humanistic literacy (social concerns and humanistic thinking). The teaching job satisfaction scale includes administrative policy and value meaning. The participants of this research study were 188 teachers recruited from the community colleges in Taipei by the convenience sampling method.   The findings of the research are: 1.The purpose of aesthetic education not only improve the art literacy but also humanistic concerns and citizenship practice. The community colleges may implement aesthetic education within community-based art education and socially engaged art. 2.With descriptive statistics, the teaching job satisfaction – administrative policy scale is the lowest one. 3.With t-test and ANOVA one-way analysis of variance, gender, age, teaching year, course category, educational background, and refresher course, approach the significant level in aesthetic competence. 4.With multiple regression analysis, the pedagogical knowledge can predict effectively there aesthetic competence, and the coefficient of determination is 14.4% to 39.1%. The strongest factor is teaching beliefs. 5.With hierarchical multiple regression analysis, the pedagogical knowledge and aesthetic competence can predict effectively their teaching job satisfaction, and the coefficient of determination is 54.7%. With stepwise regression analysis, the teaching implement and art attitude are the stronger factors. 6.With structural equation model (SEM) for data causality analysis, the pedagogical knowledge, aesthetic competence, and job satisfaction have positive mutual direct effect and indirect effect, but the aesthetic competence is not the important factor on teaching job satisfaction.


王玫(2014)。審美意識納入「公民參與式服務學習」課程實施成效評估。新竹教育大學教育學報,31(2),33-66。doi: 10.3966/199679772014123102002
