  • 學位論文


No Gender? : the study of Taiwan homosexuality films after 90’s

指導教授 : 林宏璋


本研究將聚焦以臺灣的商業放映同性戀電影為主要研究對象,試圖在同性戀者殊異主流異性戀之性別表現樣態之上,超越狹義的性別定義探討範疇,反在此互為差異的態勢中探究個人小我的內在主客體意識和其外顯作用,以及個體小我和集體大我的交互影響運作;也就是說同性戀以其殊異主流異性戀的性別表現成了被研究的議題,然就在成為被研究探討的狀態下,同性戀也順勢被「客體化」,在任何一個「我」的主觀投射底下遭到去勢成為永遠的「他者」,所以說本研究以臺灣同性戀電影為研究對象,其主要目的乃是透過不同於主流性別表現的殊異性,析究導致此差異性的主體及集體意識作用。 再者,話語霸權以異性戀母模的欲望模式意圖統攝所有性別的表現形態,以異性戀模式為樣本希求整體的「同」一表現性而拒斥同性戀的殊「異」樣態,這麼說來性別問題產生的根本乃出自語言之作用力;這全都奠基在同一套語言結構之中,一套以權威父法定義的禁制語言系統,所以禁制父法語言體系下的同性戀組合中的問題,和異性戀的問題在本質上可能是相同的。 而在本研究的梳理中將見證所有的生存情狀都是相對的存在,女權與父權,同性戀與異性戀,非西方的邊緣族群與西方中心,都是在互為辯證的歷程中成為相對性的存在。性別表現及其認同也是如此,性別的真意乃是相對差異而非絕對樣態,因此本研究試圖指向一種去性別的路徑,去除著眼可見的(生理或心理)性別絕對差異之處,認知性別及所有情狀乃是相對存立,或許便能以此消解可見差異所引起的任何歧視壓迫舉動。


The study focuses on Taiwan’s queer cinema. Different from the duality between the mainstream heterosexual vs. the homosexual alternative, which often operates the fixed and narrow conception of gendering, this research analyzes the subjective and objective experience of individuals and its externality, and rethinks the infiltration between the collective consciousness and the individual one. In other words, the homosexuality, contrast to the mainstream heterosexuality, has become a thematic topic, which then can only be objectified-- the radical “other” that the subjective “I” projects upon. The reason that the researcher employs Taiwan queer cinema as the research issue is to rethink the difference of subject and collective consciousnesses of homosexuality through its differentiated expressions in the mainstream movies. Moreover, the heterosexual model of “phallic mother” discourse tends to govern all sexual expression states. This heterosexual model promotes the homogeneity of sexual expressions and denies the heterogeneity of homosexuals. Gendering is constructed through language system. It all bases on the same linguistic system from the patriarchal hegemony of the “father’s no”. In the patriarchal language system, the cause for problem of the homosexual can be identified as that of the heterosexual. In the study some concepts are based on relativism among each pairs in a dialectical way such as feminism and masculinity, homosexuality and heterosexuality, non-western and western, and the peripheral and the center. The same goes with the analysis of key terms such as sexuality, identity, and gender that are not the absolute signification. The researcher applies a de-gendering method to deconstruct the absolute difference constructed by overtly visible sexual differences physically and psychologically. To recognize the relativism existed in the politics of gendering is to liberate the discriminations and misunderstandings caused by such visible differences.


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