  • 學位論文


Study of Diversification Development of Team of Ju Percussion Group from the Viewpoint of Cultural and Creative Industries

指導教授 : 朱宗慶


行政院於2002 年提出「文化創意產業」計畫,文化創意產業儼然成為政府與民間各界共同致力追求的願景與目標,蔚為一股風潮。 朱宗慶打擊樂團以表演藝術團體為基礎,結合其所創立之朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統,近20年來發展出獨特的經營模式與架構,在台灣對於音樂、教育、生活等各方面均造成極為深遠的影響,也成為世界打擊樂界的「台灣奇蹟」。而其在樂團與教學系統發展穩定之後,進而陸續開創附屬品牌,相繼成立朱宗慶打擊樂團2、躍動打擊樂團與傑優青少年打擊樂團,結合成「朱宗慶打擊樂團隊」;整合資源、結合力量,集打擊樂藝術推廣與教育事業為一體,開創出獨特的品牌價值,堪稱文化創意產業之典範。堪稱國內表演藝術界之文化創意產業最佳代表。本文以文化創意產業的觀點,探討朱宗慶打擊樂團隊之多元發展,作為國內表演藝術界與體制外教育借鏡之成功案例。


In 2002, Taiwan government launched the Challenge 2008 National Development Plan. One of the key projects in the plan is Development of Cultural and Creative Industries. Since then, the government and the private sector is working together in development in this area. Team of Ju Percussion Group (Team of JPG)has 20 years' experience developing and disseminating percussive music, and is a major publisher of it's educational content. They have been influential in music, education, living style and many aspects to people in Taiwan. It also received international recognition as the "Taiwan Miracle" in percussive field. After the success of Ju Percussion Group(JPG)and Ju Percussion Music School, with it's strong foundation in performing arts, and percussive music education. Ju Percussion Group 2(JPG2),Jumping Percussion Group and J. U. Juvenile Percussion Ensembles continue flourished in Team of JPG.All together and their other arm, Ju Percussion Group Foundation, with integrated resources, they have created a branding strategy by promoting percussion performance and percussive music education at once for the first time in the history. It has dramatically become the role model of cultural and creative industries in the field of performing arts in Taiwan. This thesis study Team of Ju Percussion Group's diversification development from the viewpoint of cultural and creative industries as a successful model for future reference to industries of performing arts and music education.


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黃晴嫺(2012)。台灣打擊樂器學員群體之特性分析 以新竹、苗栗地區朱宗慶打擊樂教室為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6835/TNUA.2012.00117
