  • 學位論文


An Analysis and Interpretation of Clara Schumann’s Romance Opus 3 and Variations Opus 20

指導教授 : 鄭夙娟


克拉拉.舒曼(Clara Schumann, 1819-1896),一八一九年九月十三日生於萊比錫,是十九世紀德國女性鋼琴家,其精湛的琴藝媲美當代李斯特、蕭邦等人,在樂壇上扮演舉足輕重的角色。她的作品形式除了鋼琴之外,也包括了聲樂和室內樂,並以長年累積的鋼琴演奏技巧用於教學提攜後輩。 本論文研究重心以克拉拉.舒曼作品三《鋼琴變奏浪漫曲》(Romance variee pour le piano)與作品二十《羅伯.舒曼主題鋼琴變奏曲》(Variationen fur das Pianoforte uber ein Thema von Robert Schumann)為主。藉由樂曲分析及演奏詮釋,試圖歸納出克拉拉作曲風格手法的改變。也希冀藉由這份研究,能進一步了解克拉拉獨特的音樂思維。 本文共有三個章節,第一章陳述克拉拉的生平事蹟,第二章探討作品三《鋼琴變奏浪漫曲》樂曲分析與詮釋,第三章探討《羅伯.舒曼主題鋼琴變奏曲》樂曲分析與詮釋,最後以結語將本文作總結。


Clara Schumann was born in Leipzig on September 13, 1819. She was the most influential German female pianist of the nineteenth century. Her compositional output includes piano works, vocal pieces and chamber music. In addition, she established the tradition of piano performance and idea of music performing through teaching. The main topic of this thesis is Clara Schumann’s Piano Works《Romance variee pour le piano》Opus 3 and《Variationen fur das Pianoforte uber ein Thema von Robert Schumann》Opus 20. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the changes of Clara’s compositional style throughout her life by analyzing and interpreting the two selected pieces. It is my hope that the study will give an overview of Clara’s unique musical idea. There are three chapters in the thesis. Chapter One portrays Clara Schumann’s biographical information. Chapter Two and Three contain the analysis and interpretation of Clara Schumann’s Opus 3 and Opus 20 respectively. Lastly, this paper ends with a brief conclusion.


Clara Schumann Robert Schumann


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Reich, Nancy B. Clara Schumann: The Artist and the Woman. New York: Cornell University Press, 1985.
Helma Sanders-Brahms. Beloved Clara. Germany: Helma Sanders-Brahms Production, 2008. DVD.
“Clara Schumann”.Oxford Music Online. (Accessed 11/04/2014),
