  • 學位論文


The Analysis and Interpretation of Frank’s cello sonata in A major

指導教授 : 鄭伊晴


法朗克為浪漫樂派的法國作曲家,A大調奏鳴曲是他作曲成熟期所完成的傑出作品,筆者除了想藉由分析此首奏鳴曲的創作手法及曲式架構,了解浪漫樂派後期的作曲理念,也希望能將曲子拆解之後,對樂曲有全新的認識與想法,進而建立屬於自己的演奏詮釋。 本論文共分成三章,第一章將介紹法朗克的生平,以及列出重要作品,並探討其作曲風格;第二章將著重在A大調奏鳴曲上,先從原本版小提琴及大提琴版本簡單介紹,以記譜、聽覺上著手提出討論。再來是樂曲分析,重點式整理各樂章的曲式架構及特殊作曲手法,分析法朗克將哪些音樂素材融合後創作出此奏鳴曲。最後一節將選用大提琴版本為研究對象,以演奏者的角度出發,藉由前面文章對作曲家及此首樂曲的了解,以最貼近原創者的音樂想像為基礎,建立自己對此首樂曲的個人音樂詮釋。 本文的最後一章為結語,筆者認為在此議題上還有許多可探討的空間,一個完成的作品必須找到思想的源頭,才能真正理解其存在的意義。法朗克身處於倡導自由、平等、博愛的革命時代,在社會及藝術思想上,人們都急於脫離制式的束縛。法朗克所屬的浪漫樂派正是此思想下的產物,同樣也反映在其作品當中,一種介於古典形式與追求個人獨特性間的音樂思想,筆者也將列出更多研究方向,以供未來繼續鑽研探討。


Franck is the Romantic French composer, A Major Sonata is an outstanding work he accomplished composer maturity, I think in addition to sonatas by analyzing this creative approach and musical architecture, understand the Romantic composer of the late philosophy, but also hoping to song after the dismantling of the music have a new understanding and ideas, thereby establishing their own performance interpretation.   This thesis is divided into three chapters, the first chapter will introduce the Franck biography and a list of important works, and to explore the compositional style; the second chapter will focus on the A major Sonata, starting with the original version of the violin and cello simple version introduction to notation, started discussions on the proposed hearing. Next came the song analysis, focusing on each movement Finisher musical architecture and special compositional techniques, analysis Franck creative fusion music which will create this sonata. The last one will be chosen for the study cello version to the player's point of view, by the previous article and understanding of the composer of this piece of music, the most close to the original creator of the musical imagination was established based on their own personal for this song musical interpretation.      The last chapter is conclusion, I believe that on this issue there are many to explore space, a work must be done to find the source of thought, in order to truly understand the meaning of existence. Franck body in the advocates of liberty, equality, fraternity revolution in the social and artistic ideology, people are eager to standard out of bondage. Romantic music camp Franck belongs precisely the product of this ideology, is also reflected in his work which, in the form of a cross between classical music and the pursuit of ideological and personal uniqueness between, I will also for more research, for continue to study to explore future.


Franck cello sonata in A major


Vincent d’Indy. Cesar Franck. trans. by Rosa Newmarch. London: John Lane, 1922.
