  • 學位論文


Brandishing in the spread of Enchanting : When performing meets teaching in the dancing

指導教授 : 古名伸


人類從生活感知中誘發情感,「舞蹈」能將內部集聚的情感透過動作的傳達 得到疏導。而每個人都具備了動作的本能,舞蹈反映社會生活和表達個人內心最 自然的情感、思想和意志。再者近年生活節奏快速、競爭激烈的國人,自我心靈 空間和共處的時問也相對被壓縮。舞蹈的特有功能,也能提供那些在繁忙都市裡 日趨禁錮的身體,一個感受生命動能的空間。 【迷漾】是筆者與嚴守潔共同籌劃的舞展。舞展邀請了羅曼菲、古名伸、 蘇安莉、蔡慧貞、譚惠貞五位優秀的女性編舞家,分別呈現了不同風貌、特質的 作品。從排練、製作到演出,每位編舞者都引領著我經驗不同的身體思維,這也 給予了我重新駐足、聆聽自己身體的機會。然而舞蹈是在時間的流程中展開並在 空間的層面裡擴展,是一個流動的時空藝術。因此它自有深探情感、抒發情緒的 功能。 筆者嘗試藉由舞者專業動作技能的訓練下,擁有對身體動作的掌握和對生 活週遭人、事、物的敏銳觀察能力之優勢,以及將畢業舞展的身體省思歷程相互 的聯繫。並且透過分析【迷漾】四首舞作所應用的元素、身體觀與情感,將之轉 換至教學上四個不同主題和對象的課程。目的是希望能為自己從事多年的表演和 教學建立相互啟發、支援、互助的雙向溝通的橋樑。更冀望提供一個為來回在表 演與教學之間的舞蹈人,創意發想與交流探討的平台。


舞蹈 表演 教學


Humans trigger their emotions through their senses, and dance can release and interact with inner emotions through the expression of movement. Everybody has their instinct of movement, and movement can reflect their social life and express their spontaneous emotion, thought and individual mind as well. Enchanting is a MFA graduated production for Lo Meng-Chen and Yan Shou-Jie, choreographed by five female choreographers. These choreographers present different features and qualities in this production respectively. Through the rehearsals, and the production process, every choreographer led the author experienced not only different physical thinking but also an opportunity to listen to the sound of the body. Dance, however, is a flowing art which expands in time and space. Dance has the function of exploring and release human emotions. In recent years, Taiwanese people have suffered their life in rapid competition and reduced time and space. The author attempts to combine the dance technique with the realization of physical introspections which she learned in the working process, and to transfer the new ideas of the body into four different aspects in her future teaching. The purpose of the four aspects is to build a bridge for inspiration and communication between performing and teaching, which the author has worked for many years.


dance performance teaching


Craine, Debar.、Machell, Judith. (2002).The Oxford Dictionary of Dance. Oxford
New York.
財團法人國家文化藝術基金會網站 http://www.ncafroc.org.tw/index.asp
