  • 學位論文


A Study on Connotation of Sexual Languages in Filth Words

指導教授 : 林承緯


摘要 本文所要探討有關「罵」的語言,是在眾人眼中被避諱、被禁止,甚至在具有罰則的情況下,依舊淵遠流長的存在於各國的社會當中。台灣人的罵以性罵話佔多數,甚至發展出一套台灣人特有的罵法。尤其,會隨著時代的潮流與社會的流行語,不斷的在更迭。然而性罵話的用途廣泛,從元代的戲曲、清代的小說,一直到現代的電影名稱、文學或是戲劇裡頭都能見到。它不但是形塑角色、人物很好的工具,還能夠為故事內容帶來強大的張力,製造不少的話題性。 在台灣社會中,「性」與「罵」皆是大眾避諱公開談論的話題,然而這兩者看似不相關的主題,在被人們結合後,遂成為最具代表性的罵話類型。本文將追溯性罵話裡頭,人們對於「性」觀感歷程的始末,並試圖透過經典古籍、現代文學、字典以及現代流行商品、招牌、笑話等,陳述性罵話的意義與價值,且從中探究出性罵話何以成為現代罵話之大宗。


髒話 罵話 詈罵 禁忌語


Abstract This Article to discuss a scolding language, evaded and is forbidden in the eyes of our people, even in the situation of penal rules, existed long long ago in the society of many countries. The scolding language of Taiwanese people scolded in sexual language much more than other language. Even developed a set of Taiwanese people unique scolding. In particular, along with the catch word of society and trend of the time, it is alternating constantly. But the scolding language used in versatility, From Yuan Dynasty's drama and Qing Danasty's novel to now whatever the name of the movies, literature or drama. We can see the existence in it. It is not only to shape models and character of the role, but can also bring the tensity for the story content and create many topics. In Taiwan, sex and scolding language are evaded to public topics. but these two do not look at the same topic, it is, then become the most typical scolding words in their combinated together. This Article will discuss backward from the beginning to the end of the impression, and attempt by the classical books, the modern literature, the character standards as well as the popular commodity, advertizing, joke, and etc. To display the meaning and value of the sexual scolding language and inquired into how the sexual scolding language becomes great in the modern scolding language.


filth words sexual language swear curse fuck


Hal Herzog
