  • 學位論文


Co-construction in Mandarin Conversation

指導教授 : 畢永峨


本論文探討中文會話共構現象。「共構」一詞泛指任何兩方共同合作完成之活動,在會話中,「共構」特指說話者尚未結束之語句由聽話者加以補足完成之現象。本研究以中文語料庫為基礎,自語料庫隨機抽取六十筆共構之對話,從語法及語用的角度加以分析會話共構現象,既探究說話者未盡語句中產生啟後性之語法特徵與語法要素,亦討論雙方會話共構時共伴之互動特性。 本研究發現會話共構時,說話者未結束之語句可有兩種層次之語法啟後性:「範疇啟後性」與「子句啟後性」,兩者皆投射一個尚待完成的「子句」原形,補足語法要素方能使說話者未盡語句之語意與結構完整。其中,範疇啟後性投射出未盡語句即將出現之語法範疇,而子句啟後性則投射言談將至之謂語元素或子句元素,待補足後,方能使語句之語意與語法結構完整。本研究進一步分析在會話共構結構中顯現之中文特有的語法特徵。其中主題與謂語共構反映中文主題明顯性;說話者自由選擇子句連繫成分出現與否並促使話輪共構延伸則突顯中文子句可無連繫成分之特性;賓語或主要名詞的省略則顯現中文言談中已知之指涉詞可省略之特色,在在皆反映中文語言特殊性。 本研究從會話共構時雙方互動的情形得知:首先,說話者說話時遲疑抑或未顯現遲疑皆可能導致聽話者共構會話,然說話者常以句中停頓、最終音節拉長、詞語重複與語助詞顯露說話者語帶遲疑。語料庫中,說話者講話遲疑時常用之用語又以「那個」、「那種」、「一些」、「什麼」最為常見。再者,當聽話者共構對話時,聽話者通常立即共構說話者未盡之語句,鮮少遲疑。最後,當共構現象發生後,說話者多加以回應,表以贊同,又以回應詞「對」回應聽話者最為常見。整體而言,共構現象出現時,說話者給予正面回應是可預期之社會互動。 本研究結果支持 Thompson and Couper-Kuhlen (2005) 之論述,即認為子句為語法之根本、言談互動之單位,而語法由言談間自然浮現。


共構 啟後性 子句 會話 社會互動


This study explores co-construction in Mandarin conversation. Co-construction can refer to any joint activity accomplished by two parties. In conversation, co-construction refers to the case where the unfinished utterance of the speaker is collaboratively completed by the listener. In the present study, 60 pieces of co-construction are randomly retrieved for analysis from a corpus of naturally occurring conversations in Mandarin. All the data are examined on their syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic aspects. The syntactic composition of co-construction, the projecting element in the speaker's unfinished turn, and the co-constructed element by the listener are analyzed from the view of projectability. In addition, the pragmatic features in each turn of conversation participants during co-construction are also investigated. In our study, two levels of projectability are identified: categorical projection and clausal projection, both of which lead to clause completion. Categorical projection projects an upcoming grammatical category. Clausal projection is observed to make projection of an upcoming predicative format or an upcoming clause. Both types provide the listener with opportunities for co-construction. Particularly, we observe that topic prominence, the speaker's choice of not explicitly stating the linking element, and ellipsis, which are prominent features in Mandarin, are manifested in our data of co-construction. Our investigation of the pragmatic features in each speech turn during co-construction shows that, firstly, co-construction may occur with or without the speaker showing hesitation. When the speaker shows hesitation in his unfinished utterance, hesitation is shown through pragmatic features such as pause, lengthening, word repetition, and hesitation expressions. Typical hesitation expressions observed in this study are nage, nazhong, yixie, and sheme. Next, the listener mostly co-constructs the speaker's sentence immediately. Lastly, when co-construction occurs, the speaker tends to respond to the offered co-construction and show their agreement, especially through the deployment of agreement tokens. In general, co-construction may prefigure the speaker's agreement in the turn following co-construction. Our study of co-construction in Mandarin conversation conforms to Thompson and Couper-Kuhlen (2005) that speakers show clause orientation in conversation and that grammar is interactionally organized.


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