  • 學位論文


I-lan Museums Association: Discuss on its Experience and Future Development

指導教授 : 呂理政


一九九○年代以後的台灣博物館界,新博物館學的論述是個被持續討論的議題。表現在社會環境脈絡裡,它的內涵與台灣的文化政策相互交織,具體反應在地方博物館的發展上,載負著保存地方傳統文化及解決因工業及經濟快速發展之後社區環境與生態等問題。焦點縮小至宜蘭,在一連串為改善生活環境與產業發展的「宜蘭經驗」中,宜蘭的文化工作有著亮麗的表現,其中蘭陽博物館於規劃過程所執行的博物館資源調查工作,帶動了「蘭博家族」的產生,從此開啟宜蘭在地方博物館運動的大門,觸發新博物館學與文化政策在宜蘭文化運動的交疊。 筆者由一個外來者的視角,從蘭博家族如何在蘭陽博物館籌備處的激勵下於1999年誕生、隨後於2001年成立為蘭博家族協會的過程切入,在這個脈絡下試圖去瞭解,蘭博家族在整個宜蘭地方發展中所受到的影響?新博物館學的概念經過哪些方式被引介至蘭博家族?亦討論成立為蘭博家族協會後,隨時光的流轉所產生變化?以及在整個台灣地方博物館發展歷程中所代表的角色與形象。透過文獻閱讀整理,以梳理其發展脈絡;藉由田野調查中的半結構性訪談及參與觀察,歸納分析蘭博家族之現況與未來展望。 研究發現,蘭博家族做為以博物館為媒介,經營地方文化工作的願景團隊,在外部環境上受新博物館學與文化政策的牽繫以及地方文化發展的作用,內部則面臨產生成員熱情減退、參與度及向心力下降等挑戰;本研究期望蘭博家族可以透過核心價值的確立、專業分工與合作、加強審核與品質維護機制等途徑,發揮團隊力量持續在宜蘭的文化沃土上「守護蘭陽•營造人心」。


The theory of “New museology” has been a subject and issue continually under discussion in the arena of museums in Taiwan since 1990’s. Its essence is intertwined with the formation of cultural policies in Taiwan as it is demonstrated in the social infrastructure, and such essence carries the responsibility of preserving local customs and traditions, as well as resolving the issues of community development and ecology arising from rapid industrial and economical development. And the focus is on I-lan for the very reason of its extraordinary performance in the area of culture, in what is coined “I-lan Experience” entailing a series of effort to improve its living environment and industrial development. In such effort, “Lanyang Museum” gave birth to “I-lan Museum Association” (“the Association” hereinafter) while conducting surveys of museum resources during its planning phase – this effort has opened up the door for its role in the movement of local museums and triggered the interaction between “New museology” and cultural policies in the cultural movement in I-lan. From the angle of an outsider, and from the entry points of (1) how the Association came into existence through the encouragement of the Planning Office of I-lan Museum, and (2) the official establishment of the Association in 2001, the author of this study attempts to understand the influence of the local development of I-lan on the Association, the paths through which “New museology” was introduced to the Association, the changes through the progress of time after its establishment, as well as the role and image represented by the Association in the development of local museums in Taiwan. The developmental process is discovered through a survey of relevant literature, and an analysis is presented regarding the current situations and prospect of the Association through semi-structured interviews and observations during the field study. Based on the discoveries of the study, as a museum, the Association operates and manages a team of local cultural workers with a vision. Externally, it is impacted by “New museology” and cultural policies, as well as by local cultural development; internally, the team members of the Association show signs of losing the passion, degree of participation and loyalty. It is the hope of the study that through establishing the core values, professionalism through proper division of labor and cooperation with one another, as well as enhanced mechanisms of auditing and quality control, the Association and its team members may continually make contributions to the fertile cultural ground of I-lan to “faithfully guard Lanyang for the renaissance of the community and the people”.


王維梅(譯)(1994)。American Association of Museums著。成長中的美國博物館運動。博物館學季刊,8(4),3-10。

