  • 學位論文

日常游移 -「影像」在「物」裡解構

Wandering Daily-Deconstruction of the Image and the Object

指導教授 : 戴嘉明


創作的能量來自於普遍的視覺之下,「日常」是綿延時間上的倒敘與錯亂,「游移」是空間上的介入與斷裂,日常的時間連續與游移的空間斷裂,造成內容的倒敘與形式上的錯置。每一次挖掘的緩暫片刻,強迫自己再一次細嚼慢嚥,重複這樣的過程練習,撿拾與縫補那被切斷的日常碎屑。而「物」(object)的介入掀開日常的表面規則,又一如往常的日常。生活事件的累積、慣性的儀式性歷程,放大細小的情感騷動,植入到面對的現實情境,規律之下潛藏著騷動。綜觀自己的創作脈絡中,從台灣與布拉格的「數位斷裂」、藝術創作與教職工作的「角色身分斷裂」,以及失所與安居的「居所斷裂」,「斷裂」繫起身分轉換與自我找尋,化矛盾的日常成嶄新的事件外殼,重組了影像風景。 具空間的裝置「物」加入了時間性的動畫「影像」,企圖在延展、解構影像與觀看作品的習慣。透過「物」的裝置介質重新再造影像敘事,產生線性敘事之外的影像遷移,產生新的視覺經驗。「物」與「影像」的相互牽動形成了作品另一種敘事與觀看模式,影像遷移亦開啟實驗動畫影像裝置的可能性與實驗性。 本創作論述將試圖提及「影像」與「物」的解構關係,跳脫出原有的單一影像框架,產生之動畫新的敘事方式與觀看視域。梳理作品從《我們都是數位原住民》、《賽博格塔羅》、《戀幕癖》、《性別意象》、《敏感的疆界》、《暫留。一塊移居的空白》到《日常游移》探討在動態影像既有的內容「時間敘事」中,再加入「物」牽引觀者觀賞的「空間位移」動態時間。在「影像」與「物」之交疊,產生嶄新的敘事空間,重新拆解與組合成動畫裝置,進而連結影像與空間的對話關係。


The works’ energy create from usual vision, "daily" is flashback and disorder of time, "wandering" is intervention and break of space. That is, " wandering daily" connects with time and space, presenting in flashbacked contents and displaced forms. I force myself again and again to each moment, picking up and repeating these process from the daily debris. The daily links with the "object" surface which comes from the aciculums of life events, included the ritual process, the emotional turmoil, and implanted into the real situation. The contexts connect from "digital fracture" between Taiwan and Prague, "role identity fracture" between art creation and formal faculty, and "home fracture" between displaced and live , all of these tides the identity transformation and self-finding, trying to recombine the life events and daily images. The destruction of the image and the object attempts to extend the usual view habits and break up the image frame, creating the new narrative and visual experience. It also opens the possibility of experimental animation and expended video device. "Wandering Daily-Deconstruction of the image and the object" fixes the focus on the relationship between "image" and "object", which created the new way to view. The works present with "We are Digital Native", "Cyborg Tarot", " Screen-holic", "Gender Stereotype", "Sensitive Boundaries", " Synthetic Daily", " Persistence- A Blank Moving Place" and " Wandering Daily", resulting in a new narrative space and link the dialogue relationship between time and space.


11.尚·布希亞(Jean Baudrillard),《物體系》,時報文化,,2002。
17.Prensky, Mark Digital Natives, Digital Immigrant Part 1 On the Horizon, September/October 2001, Volume 9, Number 5
1.艾瑪·德特(Emma Dexter),《維他命D》介紹:素描的新觀點,Phaidon Press,〈創意的素描祕笈〉,《藝術家雜誌》第439期,2011
2.彼得•懷柏(Peter Weibel),《擴延電影、錄像與虛擬環境》,楊凱麟譯,電影欣賞,2008
