  • 學位論文


A Study on the Tea Factory in the Mound Area of Taiwan during Japanese Period

指導教授 : 林會承


19世紀初,漢人開始在深坑、坪林種植茶樹,並製作粗製茶,最初市場侷限在島內,1842(道光22年)年福州開港後,臺灣粗製茶運往福州成為中國紅茶的原料。1860(咸豐10)年淡水開港及再製茶技術的引入,臺灣人得以自行在臺出口所生產的再製烏龍茶及包種茶。日治時期透過總督府的推廣及獎勵,印度、錫蘭一帶以動力機械大量製茶的茶工場建築傳入臺灣,臺灣茶的製作由手工轉為機械,茶園規模也逐步擴大。 日治時期的臺灣近山茶工場依性質及規模可分為模範型、標準型及過渡型,模範型茶工場由總督府所設置,為茶業的試驗及示範單位,機具及建築配置完整;標準型茶工場由大型日資或臺資企業所設置,施行印度、錫蘭一帶,自茶樹栽培、茶葉製造至產品包裝一貫化的生產、製造方式,為大型直營企業;過渡型茶工場多見於自清代即以茶寮形式經營茶業者,礙於財力,採階段性增改建茶工場及購置機具,工場內常可見各時期增改建所遺留之證據。 1918(大正7)年總督府發布「茶業獎勵計畫」前,近山茶工場多為磚木造,1918年後出現大規模的木造茶工場,鋼筋混凝土造茶工場因建設費較高,當時並不普遍,1935(昭和10)年中部大地震致使桃竹一帶許多原本為磚造、木造或磚木造的茶工場全倒或半倒,而必須重建或部分改建,加之1939(昭和14)年發布的「茶製造業取締規則」,都使得鋼筋混凝土造茶工場成為當時的主流。在空間方面,萎凋室、發酵室及評茶室的設計須考量製茶時的風向、溫度、濕度及品茶時的光線,為茶工場中最具代表性的空間。


Tea factories located on the mounds of Taiwan during the Japanese period can be divided, according to property and scale, into Model, Standard & Transitional types. Model type tea factories were designated by Japanese Governor General’s Office as experimental and demonstration units of the tea industry. Standard type tea factories were opened by wealthy Japanese or Taiwanese industries. They cultivated tea bushes, produced tea, and marketed their produce much like Indian and Ceylonese Tea Estates did. The transitional type tea factories were those that changed from traditional tea sheds. These sheds were once owned by tea farmers without the necessary capital wherewithal to enable them to entirely change their sheds into tea factories with modern machines. Thus, they had to equip their factories in manageable stages. There is evidence to substantiate this hypothesis in the factories that were rebuilt. Before 1920, most of the tea factories were brick and wood constructions. During the 1920s, tea factories were predominantly wooden structures. Reinforced concrete was too expensive to be used to construct tea factories during that period. In 1935, an earthquake with its epicenter in Taiwan caused many tea factories built with bricks, wood, or mixed bricks to entirely or partially collapse. This, in addition to “The Tea Manufacturing Industry Clampdown Rule” promulgated in 1939, ushered in the age of reinforced concrete built tea factories. The spatial layout of such factories had to pay due attention to wind direction, humidity, temperature and the sun’s rays in designing withering rooms, fermenting rooms and tasting rooms.


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