  • 學位論文


Action Research: Teaching Chinese Calligraphy through the Arts

指導教授 : 林保堯
共同指導教授 : 顏淑惠(Shu-Huei Yen)


國中書法課程目前隸屬於國語文領域,但書法本身所具備的藝術性與文化歷史性,更適合運用於國中藝術與人文領域視覺藝術課程。本研究主要以行動研究的方式,試圖發展適合國中階段於視覺藝術課程實施的書法課程,課程架構以學科本位藝術教育的精神(Discipline-based Art Education,以下簡稱DBAE)為主,設計一套融合書法史、書法美學、書法欣賞與批評與書法實作等四大方向的課程。以訪談法與觀察法來了解學習情形;以作品分析來了解學生在書法藝術創作方面的表現;以行動研究的方式來了解與反思運用此教學策略是否能夠解釋研究問題。 研究結束後資料分析與比對後,發現以DBAE課程架構來實踐書法課程是可行的,研究發現此課程能夠輔助學生統整國語文知識的學習,書法史方面讓學生對於書法的學習產生架構,輔助學生了解國語文領域之漢文字演變及其歷史與文化;篆書與隸書為主的書法實作方面輔助學生記憶其文字結構。此外此課程能夠輔助視覺藝術方面的學習,書法美學方面輔助學生了解視覺藝術與書法的藝術共通感;書法欣賞與批評方面能夠培養學生感受、判斷與審美的能力;書法實作方面提供學生應用所學,有機會思考文字藝術的運用性,並結合適當的議題創造出有機的作品。


This thesis explores and promotes the expanding field of approaches to teaching Chinese calligraphy as a viable theoretical foundation and practical direction for art education. In accordance with the grades 1-9 curriculum guidelines for Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taiwan, calligraphy is currently taught as part of Chinese language lessons. However, there are cultural, historical, and artistic aspects to Chinese calligraphy that make the teaching of calligraphy more relevant as visual arts lessons throughout the curriculum. Therefore, this research advocates employing an active educational research method to investigate and build a curriculum that teaches Chinese calligraphy through Discipline-Based Art Education (DBAE). The four proposed DBAE lessons on calligraphy are Calligraphy History, Calligraphy Production Techniques, Calligraphy Aesthetics, and Calligraphy Art Criticism. This thesis presents findings that the DBAE structure is applicable to calligraphy lessons, and it serves to develop an integrated curriculum model that is effective in a mixed-ability classroom. This calligraphy curriculum can serve as instructional scaffolding that helps students to learn the Chinese language as well as other visual arts. From the aspect of learning the Chinese language, learning the history of Chinese calligraphy can help students understand each character's development, along with its cultural aspects. What’s more, the teaching of seal scripts and clerical scripts by picture association and word association can help students memorize the structure of the characters. From the visual arts learning aspect, learning calligraphy aesthetics helps students to understand the connection between calligraphy and art, and it also helps them develop an aesthetic common sense. Learning Chinese calligraphy criticism can help cultivate a student’s appreciation of achievement in the arts. Finally, the skills developed in learning Chinese calligraphy production techniques can be applied in many types of visual arts lessons, thereby providing students with numerous opportunities to interact with each other and make meaningful artwork.


李秀華 (2005)。國小書法欣賞教學對學生書法學習態度的影響。師大學報:人文與社會類,50(2),69-88。
柯耀程 (2008)。從美學觀點論書法頓挫的價值。興大中文學報,24,141-170。


