  • 學位論文

在歷史上書寫 – 介於他者與自身之紗

Writing over History – Gauze between Others and Oneself

指導教授 : 張正仁


本論文旨在個人創作經驗的整理,及其與歷史和當下的社會事件之關係。從自身生命出發,透過環視生活中及社會上發生的各樣事件,以至於遠在世界另一邊的戰爭,我的自我意識到自我與他者之間的差異性,及其在歷史及當下所造成的問題。而文中的他者既可以理解為巨大的壓迫者,同時亦可以是平凡的同為受壓的、卻未能相互了解的異己者。 論文的第一章講述創作源起,由個人經驗、文本到運轉不停的世界所存在的問題,我圍繞有關生命的問題思考以及與之相關的論述;第二章講述與創作有關之理論及操作概念,影像的生產機制,影像的再處理;第三章講述從作品延伸到公共領域的結構,作品跟人之間關係的建立等;第四章講述為何要進行創作及在他人前展示的原由。


This thesis aims to reveal and organize the concept of my artworks, and its relationship with the historical incidents and current social events. By reviewing my life, I start to read from various events which occur around me and wars which are far on the other side of the world. I then realized the differences between oneself and the others, and the incidents caused by the conflicts between them in history. The others mentioned in the thesis can be understood as huge oppressors. Or it can be understood as ordinary people who are being oppressed and not able to understand each other. The first chapter of this thesis describes the reasons and origin of my art. Including personal experience, text and incidents which happen in the world, I ponder the meaning of lives through different perspectives. The second chapter describes the operation and execution of relevant concepts of art, including the production mechanism of images and the reprocessing of images. The third chapter describes the expansion process from art to public realm and the construction of relationship between artworks and the public. The last chapter explains why and how I present my artworks in front of the others.


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Moore-Gilbert, Bart, "Homi Bhabha: 'the Babelian Performance.'" Postcolonial Theory: Contexts, Practices, Politics (London: Verso, 1997)
Rosemary Hawker, “Idiom post medium: Richter painting photography,” Modern Painters (Spring 2004, Special Photography Issue)
Hal Foster, Rosalind Krauss, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh and David Joselit, Art Since 1900: Modernism • Antimodernism • Postmodernism (London: Thames & Hudson, 2005)
Terry Smith, Contemporary Art: World Currents (London: Laurence King, 2011)
