  • 學位論文


A Critique Essay on the Film Work “Ending Cut”

指導教授 : 王童


《老徐的完結篇》是一部關於探討老人問題,藉由婚姻生子延續發展家族結構的電影短片。由筆者自己發想,由自己以及周遭五年級生的朋友,在普遍未婚的情況下,受到家裡父母傳宗接代傳統觀念下,督促結婚生子的壓力,劇本故事結構由此發想,發展而成。 本片企劃書由『吳念真企劃製作公司』送案,獲得「九十七年度新聞局電影短片輔導金」補助100萬元,今年二月開始執行拍攝計畫。先募集工作人員, 筆者先行到南部勘景,看過高雄愛河,左營眷村,台南安平區,安南區等地方。 認為高雄市現在已經興建太多的高樓大廈,和筆直的大馬路,不符合劇本設定的氛圍。正在拆除的左營眷村,有拍攝取景上的跼礙,只剩下高雄愛河一景,單獨拍攝愛河一個場景,又會造成製片在有限資金上過多的支出。最後決定南部場景在台南地區拍攝。之後所有工作人員在三月份敲定,全片在四月拍攝完成。 本片探討當今普遍的社會老人化的現象,傳宗接代的傳統家庭觀念。在這畢業製作的論述之中,探討包括社會學上強勢父權家庭的建立,中國在傳宗接代延續家族結構的觀念,不婚主義者的思維的探討,和文本分析。 在影片製作過程中,導演的創作理念,和作品美學闡述。本論述檢視了李安電影《喜宴》中父親對兒子傳宗接代的的殷切期待,和本片父親老徐對兩個兒子的尚未結婚生子,強烈期待的落空。兩者父親對抱孫之事落空和重獲期待的行為差異。


存在主義 不婚


The “Ending Cut” is a short film focuses on senior people, discussing family extension from marriage and children. Author develops this script by observing himself and many of his single 1960er friends, who are under pressure from their parents’ idea for offspring the next generation. The “Ending Cut” project is applied by Wu’s Production Co., is sponsored 1 million by 2008 News Bureau Short Film Foundation, the shooting started on 2009 Feb., after crewing the team, author did the scene-inspecting around south Taiwan, Kaohsiung Love River, Zhou Ying Servants’ Village, Tainan Ann-Ping District, Ann-Nan District, etc.., The author believes that Kaohsiung City build up too many sky-scrapers and wide boulevards, is away from the script’s atmosphere. The Zhou Ying Village which is now destructing will cause certain framing difficulty. In this case, Love River will be one remaining choice at Kaohsiung, however, shooting Love River alone will be too costing for the production, as a result, the film is taken at Ann-Ping District, after the crew is final on Mar., the film is shooting off and completed on Apr. The film discussing the general aged society phenomena and the traditional idea of re-generation, in this graduate production, the script-writer discussing the establishment of sociological overwhelming patriarchal family, the Chinese traditional idea of re-generation and family extension, the insights of those who decided to stay single, and text analysis. During the production, the director’s creative ideas and aesthetics description, the discussing inspected the father’s deep expectation for grand-son in An Lee’s movie “The Wedding Banquet” and the father’s loss about his two sons’ stay single and give him no hope for grandchildren, the loss, the expectation and the behavior difference between the two fathers.


Existentialism Unmarried


Alternative Scriptwriting:Writing Beyond the Rules《電影編劇新論》(1994),(易智言 等譯),台北:遠流。
Approche Du Scenario .(2000)《電影劇本寫作》(王書芬譯) ,台北:楊智 。
Aumont, Jacques and Michel Marie. (1996),《當代電影分析方法論》(吳珮慈譯),台北:遠流。
Bordwell, David and Kristin Thompson. (1996),《電影藝術:形式與風格》(曾偉禎譯),台北:麥格羅希爾。
Giannetti, Louid. (1996),《認識電影》(焦雄屏等譯),台北:遠流。
