  • 學位論文


A Critique Essay on the Film Work“My Girl”

指導教授 : 焦雄屏


《夢中情人》是筆者在電影創作研究所的畢業作品,全片是自籌資金拍攝,劇本亦是由筆者創作撰寫,片長約46分鐘,是筆者繼《跟著你》後第二部自編自導的劇情短片,在類型上屬於通俗劇。 本片是以高畫質攝影機拍攝,使用的型號是Canon 5D Mark II,是Canon自有的30P規格,在技術規格與畫質上是一個實驗性的嘗試,5D Mark II攝影機的特性是擁有35mm電影的景深及透視。如果成績不俗並尋得資金,筆者期待能將本作品轉為戲院放映的35mm底片規格。 《夢中情人》劇本的發想,是結合了筆者個人對過去感情世界的延伸假想,以及現今婚姻生活的體驗,成為現在的故事。這是筆者透過影像對過去的階段性告別,也是確立自己未來在家庭中所要扮演的角色,並用戲劇模式對這個題材發抒。 本論述闡述本片的主題﹕婚姻生活的道德、責任及罪惡感,並以結構分析整個劇本及故事劇情的發展。影片的美學風格以學術理論對照,這是更進一步驗証以往所學,以及檢視製作影片上的成果,省思筆者在拍攝時所作的決定。 從劇本到執行拍攝出成果,整個過程是一個難得的經驗,真正體會到獨立製片的甘苦,也了解自己在製作影片的能力上,究竟有多大發展的空間。自省檢視筆者作為導演的優缺點,以此為在以後往電影發展路上的一個階段性的參考。


“My Girl” is my senior thesis film at the Graduate Institute of Filmmaking. It is the second short film that I wrote, funded, produced and directed. My first film was entitled “Follow You Wrong”. “My Girl” is forty-six minutes in length and can be categorized as a melodrama. When shooting this film I used a Canon 5D Mark II HD-quality camera set on a 30 frame progressive mode. This was an experiment in terms of its technical features and picture quality. Compared with the other HD video cameras, the 5D Mark II camera can produce the same perspective and depth-of-field as a 35mm film camera. My goal is to transfer the HD footage onto 35mm film prints for theatrical release. The material for “My Girl” derives from my personal experiences of marital life juxtaposed with my imaginations about past love affairs. The film is a farewell to my past as well as a confirmation of my family role in the future, as expressed through images. In the following essay I will explore the themes of “My Girl”: morality, responsibility and guilt in the marital life. I will also analyze the script structure and plot development. My essay compares academic theories with the film’s aesthetic style. In this essay I hope to demonstrate what I have learned and examine the results of the decisions I made while producing this film. The process of making this film was a valuable experience for me, from the script development all the way through the shooting of the film. This process has taught me to understand both the hardships and the joys of independent filmmaking. It has enabled me to examine my strengths and weaknesses as a director at this stage in my filmmaking career, and provided me with insights into my future self development.


Konigsberg, Ira (1989) The Complete Film Dictionary. Meridian 1989.
Malkiewicz, Kris (1992) FilmLighting, New York, Fireside 1992.
Rabiger, Michael (2003) Directing Film Techniques and Aesthetics. Third Edition. Focal Press.
Allen, Woody (1992) Husbands and Wives(賢伉儷)Tristar Pictures. US
