  • 學位論文


The limbo of present bodily experiences

指導教授 : 王俊傑




Our body is not only controlled by our mind,but also changed by society and squeezed by outer space coninuely.Our desire and languages have became something produced by the accomplished programs ,and try to deprive the nature feature from our body to make them cold and stiff.If there is a kind of limbo body,run away from us on a special way,release the unreached desire quietly,and free our tired body from the pressure of tool rationality,slide lightly in the place we can’t imagine. I try to draw the Invisible shape of body from personal artwork in three aspects which are reconstructed language ,visible body movement and perspection of myself by a series of works related to mechanization, vision and language, to free body from the control of consciousness and society, let the inner mechanic and repeat against the outside control,make the nature characters come back to the mechanical body. Try to seek the way of expression beyond languages, have relations with the outside world in irrational language. I try to escape from my self,observe myself by a peeping perspective, pull out the inner movement, let the outside angel into the inner body, to expect the emerging of some kinds of medium,make the limbo body break the limitation of self consciousness and outside control, come from the deep of the consciousness to the surface of skin, pull the limbo body away from the languages and our daily senses back to us.


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3. 傅柯,《歸訓與懲罰—監獄的誕生》,北京, 生活讀書新知三聯書店, 2003

