  • 學位論文


Parallel Sight of Cityscape

指導教授 : 張正仁


一直以來,在繪畫創作上都有「具象」與「抽象」的範疇概念,似乎從事繪畫創作就必須有非此即彼的選擇,而抽象繪畫更在現代美術史上發揮得淋漓盡致之後,逐漸因為形式的開發殆盡而淡出歷史舞台,從此抽象繪畫似乎就背負著割裂與現實世界之聯繫的原罪,無法獲得當代藝術中觀念創作的青睞,因此對於身為一個以抽象繪畫做為創作起點的當代創作者而言,有必要對這樣的原罪有所了解與回應,並試著闡明自己的創作意圖,而有效的方式顯然就是訴諸於解釋意圖與形式之間的聯結,因為對於「人」而言,意義的傳達始終都是需要透過某種形式的轉化。 本文第一章的內容試著討論「具象」與「抽象」的概念,並對它們提出自己的看法,主要的立場是關於這組概念的懷疑以及說明它們的局限性;第二章則回顧抽象繪畫的歷史與形式主義的美學思想,並說明自己對於抽象繪畫的看法與創作。 第三章的內容則描述跟自己的創作有關的時代背景,並以70年代之後的創作,來說明抽象繪畫創作的當代發展性。第四章討論與自身創作相關且關連於當代藝術創作的影像議題,並以此在第五章的內容中切入最後的創作意圖:城市意象的平行視域。 結論則嘗試對於自我的未來創作發展提供一些想像,並檢討目前在創作中所涉及到的影像議題層次可能過於表層,而應該更注意影像運用中可能觸及的意識型態方面的問題,以此砥礪自己持續投入創作研究。


具象 抽象 城市 速度 平行視域


All the time, 「concrete」 and 「abstract」 are the important categories in painting. It seems to choose either this or that while painting. Abstract painting, a kind of choice of binary, faded away due to the consumption of form in modern art history. Then it started to carry the original sin of breaking the connection to the real world. This is not a favor in contemporary art that always focus on concept. Especially to an artist who deals with abstract paintings, it is necessary to understand and respond this kind of situation. There looks like an effective way to do is appeal to the combination between idea and form. It is because that human always needs some kind of formation for transmitting meanings. The chapter one discussed the idea of 「concrete」 and 「abstract」. I tried to address my viewpoints that concerned the doubt and limitation of them. In chapter two, I looked back the development of abstract painting in modern art history, also surveyed the Formalism in modern aesthetics history. Then I made my description of abstract painting. In chapter three, I described some background concerned with my works, and brought up the contemporary paintings after 1970s for observing abstract painting. Then chapter four caught up the discussion of image related to contemporary issue. All of them combined with my works lead to the main concept of chapter five which connected to “parallel sight of the cityscape”. Finally I tried to provide some ideas about artistic works for follow-up creation in the conclusion. Also I noticed that the image issue in my creation is not enough to reveal the conscious manipulation which may be behind it. This is also an inspiration for my future artist’s career.


concrete abstract city speed parallel sight


Ernst Cassirer 著,《人論》,甘陽 譯,上海:上海譯文出版社,1985。
Anna Moszynska 著,《抽象藝術》,黃麗絹 譯,臺北市:遠流出板社,1999。
Clive Bell 著,《藝術》,周金環、馬鐘元 譯,臺北市:商鼎文化,2000。
Daniel Bell 著,《資本主義文化矛盾》,趙一凡、蒲隆、任曉晉 譯,北京:三聯書店,1989。
John Paul Sartre 著,《影像論》,魏金聲 譯,臺北市:商鼎文化,1992。

