  • 學位論文


Rethinking and Representing the “Comfort Women” Issue by Transcending Nationalism: A Case Study on “Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace” in Japan

指導教授 : 陳佳利


二戰期間日軍「慰安婦」的創傷歷史一直隱而未見,直到1991 年,第一位出面指控日軍戰時性暴力的南韓受害者金學順(Kim, Hak-Soon,音譯)出現之後,各國受害女性陸續現身,這一段歷史才有被看見的可能。日本政府不斷否認其戰時「強徵」女性成為「慰安婦」,更將戰時「慰安婦」歷史自教科書中抹去,各受害國為了傳遞「慰安婦」受害歷史及創傷記憶,因而陸續成立博物館、紀念館。身為加害國的日本亦有民間團體於2005 年成立「女性的戰爭與和平資料館」(Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace)。本研究以「女性的戰爭與和平資料館」及該館第十一回特展「台灣『慰安婦』的證言.被迫成為日本人的阿嬤們」為研究個案,透過訪談探討該館設立理念、藉由展示分析理解其如何再現台灣「慰安婦」議題及受害主體,並探究觀眾對展示內容之詮釋。   研究發現,在日本當代國族主義史觀盛行的背景下,女性的戰爭與和平資料館呈現出超越國族主義的戰爭反省史觀,以建構女性人權認同為核心理念,其「台灣『慰安婦』的證言.被迫成為日本人的阿嬤們」特展則對日本對台灣之殖民史進行結構性反思,在此脈絡下再現台灣「慰安婦」議題。在展示中,館方以女性主義視角「翻譯」受害主體的創傷經驗,以此確保主體發聲位置,而觀眾對於展示內容大多給予正面評價,並表現出對日本當代社會之省思。   雖然館方以女性主義視角呈現「慰安婦」議題,然而,僅呈現願意在大眾面前發聲的受害主體可能會建構觀眾對受害者的刻板印象,因此,本研究建議館方應同時呈現「沉默的受害者」;此外,以直述句構成的展示內容將使觀眾的參觀經驗仍停留在大眾傳播似的傳統博物館溝通模式,因此建議館方結合更多元的呈現方式,透過提問及互動式展示引發觀眾進一步探究相關議題之興趣,使得觀眾不僅僅是被動吸收,而可以是知識建構的主體。


The history of “comfort women”, meaning women who were sexually exploited by the Japanese military in World War II, remained hidden until Hak-Sun Kim, a South Korean survivor came forward in 1991. Since then, survivors around the world have told their stories. However, the Japanese government has constantly denied responsibility and removed the narrative on “comfort women” from history textbooks. In order to pass the history of “comfort women” and the victims' traumatic memories, countries which suffered from comfort women system established museum or memorial museum one after the other. Even in Japan, the country causing the injury, Japanese civic groups established the “Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace” in 2005. In this study, “Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace” and the eleventh special exhibition ‘Taiwan “Comfort Women” Testimonies: How Ah-ma were Made into Japanese’ as a case study, through interviews to investigate the ideas of the museum, and analyze the exhibition to understand how the museum represent Taiwanese comfort women issues and the survivors. Finally, to explore how visitors interpret the content of exhibition.   This study found that in the context of Nationalistic history perspective in contemporary Japan, “Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace” presents a reflective perspective of war which is transcending nationalism, and try to construct the identity to human rights of women. The special exhibition ‘Taiwan “Comfort Women” Testimonies’ tries to rethink Japan’s colonial structure of Taiwan, and represents Taiwanese Comfort Women issue in this context. In order to ensure the subjectivity of the represented, the museum “translates” the traumatic memories of the injured subjects who suffered sex abuse through feminist perspective. The visitors provided positive feedback to the exhibition, and showed the reflections of contemporary Japanese society.   However, only presenting the injured subjects who were willing to stand in front of the public may construct a stereotype of those suffered. Therefore, this study suggests the museum should also present the injured subjects who were keeping silence at the same time. Besides, a exhibition uses lots of affirmative narratives will make visitors’ experiences in traditional museum communications model, hence this study recommends the museum should combine multiple presentations, by questioning and interactive way to inspire visitors’ interest to explore relative issues, in this way, visitors will not only absorb passively, but also become the subject of knowledge construction.


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