  • 學位論文


A Critique Essay on the Film Work"Fly!Mr. Kafka

指導教授 : 廖慶松


《飛啊!卡夫卡》是一部關於一個中年危機男人,如何找回生命熱情的故事。故 事描寫一個高中曾經是風雲童軍隊長的中年男人阿達,在歷經20年為生活奔波後,原本 的熱情夢想漸漸磨光,不知自己的存在意義為何。於是想起了過去未完成的拓荒旅程, 到底自己的人生是如何走到現在這個樣子呢?阿達獨自啟程。沒想到在旅程中遇到了年 輕的童軍隊員,裡頭還有一個跟阿達初戀情人長得一模一樣的小汝。阿達在這個旅程 中,從小汝身上看見他過去的自已,歷經冒險後,終於找回自己的存在感。 故事表現上是討論中年危機,但在深層結構裡,討論到了存在主義與神話原型。 畢竟存在主義問的,就是人從什麼地方來,人又從什麼地方去。『我是誰』?是筆者對 開始電影創作以來,一直想問的人生命題。 本論述一部分從古典敘事模式、三幕劇以及神話結構來檢視本作品劇本;另一方 面則從類型、調性、攝影、燈光、美術以及表演等方面來檢視本作品的風格與美學。以 及對本片製作過程上的檢討。


“Fly! Mr. Kafka” is a story about a middle age man---A-da who is struggle by his midlife crisis. A-da is regarded as a hero in his young age. However, after 20 years , A-da is confused by day after day repeated working routine. He suddenly found his existence may have no meaning, just like his favorite novel “The Metamorphosis” written by Franz Kafka. When he was wandering how could his life become such a tragedy, what is wrong that he could have been done? A-da remind an unfinished boy scout journey in high school. Therefore, A-da try to complete this journey alone, just like to complete his life. Unexpectedly, he met a group of young boy scout, and a girl who looks just the same as his first love. After this journey, A-da finally find the meaning of existence and get back his passion for life. This story is not just about midlife crisis, but in its deep structure, I was trying to discuss existence and the archetype of mythology. After all, existentialism is such a big question to ask that “ Where do we come from? ” “Where will we go?。”Who am I ” is always the theme that I am trying to discovery in my film work. This essay attempts to examine the script of “Fly! Mr. Kafka” with classic paradigm, three-act structure and archetype. On the other hand, by the discuss of genre, tone, photography, lighting, art decoration and performance, we could build up the style and aesthetics of “Fly! Mr. Kafka”.


midlife crisis existentialism comedy melodrama Kafka metamorphosis


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林君陽(2011),《電影作品《世界末日的誕生日》創作論述》,國立臺北藝術大 學電影創作所碩士論文
Dancyger, Ken&Rush, Jeff 著,易智言等 譯 (1994),《電影編劇新論》,台北:遠流 David, Bordwell&Kristin Thompson 著,曾偉禎 譯 (1992),《電影藝術形式與風格》,


