  • 學位論文

舞作中之意境與生命情懷— 試以旅人編舞家張曉雄的三部舞作為例 探討生命歷程與舞蹈之關係

The Dance of Life: A Study of Choreographer Zhang Xiao-Xiong’s The Bird of Paradise (1999), Asunder (2005), and A Few Chapters of Floating Life (2006)

指導教授 : 林亞婷


本論文旨在探討旅人編舞家張曉雄的當代舞蹈藝術,試圖從個人的生命經驗、廣泛的文藝涉獵、審美觀之養成,其作品凝聚創作者個人風格,又不可避免地蘊含時代共性,張曉雄的歷史背景、關注之人文議題,和自我文化觀的表現方式,反映到他的編舞歷程,並表達編舞家的生命理念與美學感悟。本論文以張曉雄三支呼應其生命經驗,最具代表性的舞作,來看文化如何影響編舞家舞作的形式、風格與主題、內涵。 筆者以文化研究為主要的研究方法、輔以族裔離散,並從多重理解的角度,不因理論研究而將現象直線性地單一化、公式化,進而探討舞蹈藝術走向多元化與跨領域發展。第一章、緒論,撰寫本文的動機、觀點、目的,及研究方法、架構與文獻回顧;第二章、當代舞與張曉雄,介紹張曉雄的文藝背景,與習舞歷程;第三章、從文化與離散看張曉雄,說明研究視角,並將概念名詞先行定義;第四章、第五章與第六章,則是分別分析、探討舞作《天堂鳥》、《支離破碎》和《浮生》;第七章、結論,將針對本論文研究的三部舞作,與張曉雄舞蹈藝術作一統合性論述,作為文化與舞蹈研究之初探。


Subject of this essay is to discuss the contemporary dance arts of the sojourner choreographer Zhang Xiao-Xiong. We attempt to find out how he gets his commonality from his life experience, broading dilettantism, profound asetheticism. His background and concerned culture and its expressions reflects to his process of choreography and at the same time expresses his logos of life and thoughts of aesthetics. We choose three works which will completely represent his life experience and to observe how culture affects the form, style and subject and content of choreography. The writer choose cultural study as the main study way also accompanied with “diaspora” and to incise with multi absorb angles to singlize, formulate the phenomenon but not limited to theory study and then research choreography further approaching to development of diversification and beyond the domain. Chapter one is introduction-the motive, viewpoint and purpose and study way to write, the structure with literature and art. Chapter two is introduction Zhang Xiao-Xiong’s as a contemporary choreography and his background of literature and art with his choreographic career. Chapter three is by clarifying perspective study and to define the concept nouns to observe culture and diaspora of Zhang Xiao-Xiong. Chapter four, five and six are analyzing and discussing his three works. Chapter seven is ending with complete expression of his three works as a preliminary study for culture and choreography.


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