  • 學位論文


Integrating “Drama in Education” (DIE) into the English Course of Communicative Language Teaching Approach

指導教授 : 容淑華


本研究旨在對照教育戲劇與英語溝通式教學法之共同教學原理與策略,如強調訊息差距、真實社會情境與對話等,並為九年一貫國中英語課程設計出適合國中生學習程度與英語溝通能力之教學課程。另外,試探教育戲劇融入英語溝通式教學觀的課程設計與實施現況,以及此課程對國中生英語綜合能力、學習態度與合作學習等影響。本研究以行動研究法為主,並以研究者任教之國中三年級一個班級為對象,進行十一週三階段的課程。資料蒐集與分析兼採質化與量化方式。分析資料如研究者觀察日誌、專家教師觀察表、訪談、學習單、學生戲劇自我評量表、教師自編測驗(前後測)與問卷等。 課程實施結果發現,教育戲劇融入英語溝通式教學的課程設計是可行的。活動初期以討論與學習單的方式熟練單字與句型,運用「定格畫面」與「默劇」協助學生連結文字與畫面;進階活動則運用「靜像劇面」,將文本轉化為四格漫畫,從中歸納人、事、時、地、物、因果(5W1H),最後再將漫畫的圖像以「即興戲劇」呈現。過程中「教師入戲」能引導學生進入自然的對話情境,進行不同任務的英語溝通活動。此外,此課程能促進英語學習動機、同儕合作學習與創造力發想;前後測結果也顯示確能提升英語溝通能力,讀寫部分也有顯著提升。


This research aims at comparing the similar teaching principles and strategies of Drama in Education (DIE) and Communicative Language Teaching Approach (CLT), such as information gap, the genuine social context and dialogue. Accordingly, the researcher designs a specific course which accords with the students’ English proficiency and communicative capability. In addition, this research tries to explore the designing of this curriculum and the teaching and learning process, and understand the influences to the students’ English comprehensive abilities, learning motives and cooperation learning. The participants of this action research are from the researcher’s students of 9th grade in junior high school. This course is accessed by three stages and 11 weeks. Data analysis are from researcher journals, observation journals for teachers, interviews, worksheets, drama assessment rubrics, English comprehensive tests (pre-test and post-test) and questionnaire. The results show that it’s feasible to integrate DIE into English CLT course. This course begins with practicing vocabulary and sentence patterns by discussion and the worksheet; accordingly, “Image Theater” is used to transform the context into the comics of four and the elements of 5W1H (Why, What, Who, Where, When, How) are induced from it. Finally, students create an impromptu drama according to the comics. During the process, “Teacher in Role” helps students involve in the real dialogical situation and communicate with others. Besides, it’s found that students’ learning motives, peer learning and creativity are promoted. Lastly, the outcomes of the tests show that students are improved in their English reading, writing and communicative abilities.


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