  • 學位論文


The Truthful Resonance of Working with People—the Creative Performance Report of Fleur d’Or

指導教授 : 朱宏章


獨奏會的作品《河》是自我的工作,畢製《黃金之花》則是與人的工作。從「認識自己」到「真實的交流」,戲劇一直在幫助我學習成為一個完整的人。我發現,越了解戲劇的本質,就越理解身為人的真實需要(need)。我們其實都在渴望真實的接觸,靈魂和靈魂的溝通,有如祈禱一般。而劇場,提供了一個場域,協助我們提昇自己的頻率,完成這種深沉對話的可能性。這是在湯瑪士.理查茲(Thomas Richards)出現之前,我從沒經驗過的「美好的轉化」。 本篇創作報告,試圖呈現自研究所就讀以來,因為選修了鍾明德老師的《劇場人類學》,而開啟了一趟探究創作與自我修行關係的旅程。從歐丁劇團到北印度大地;從獨奏會《河》到金石優人的工作,每一段經驗都成為創作《黃金之花》的養分。而這次的畢製,也因為自己同時要忙碌於工作的關係,一直無法找到這齣戲的創作核心,遭遇到低潮的瓶頸,和工作夥伴也產生隔閡。不過最後發現,戲劇的本質是交流,打開心結與人溝通,同時也是創作者的本事之一。這讓我發現,打開自己往外看有多麼重要。


For my solo work River, I worked with my real self . While , I worked with people for my honors project Fleur d’Or. From knowing ourselves to truthful resonance, theater always help me learn to be a whole person. I found that the much more I learn the essential of the theater, the more I learn the truth need of being a person. All of us crave for the truthful resonance which is a kind of communication from soul to soul, just like a prayer. While theater providing a place, help us to level up our frequency, and achieve the possibility of deeply communication. Before I met Thomas Richards, I had never experienced the beautiful transformation of being. This creative performance report try to show the journey of the exploration that I started script writing and the self practicing since I took professor Taimu Chung’s course: Theatre Anthropology course. From Odin Theatre to north India; from solo work River to the work of Golden Stone U-Theatre, each experience became the nutrients for the Fleur d’Or. While, during the session of honors project, I have to work in the meantime. I was so busy that I couldn't find the core of the theater. I was confronted with the bottleneck, and even grew apart with my partners at that time. Shortly after, I found the essence of theater is communicating and softening the sign's heart with people. It's also an important talent as a creator. All of these let me know how important it is that I should open myself and look outwards.


resonance knowing self need transformation Thomas Richards


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