  • 學位論文


Everyday practice:Mute Reality

指導教授 : 陳愷璜


本創作論述自個人2008年至2010年期間的創作出發。循著我過去作品間的脈絡線索,參考文獻 (包含日常生活批判理論、空間脈絡、影像、當代藝術等相關論述),一點一點的串聯出這幾年來在都市以及鄉村環境下的生活經驗。藉著影像對人與空間紀錄與中介,得以窺探人與日常生活遍在的塑造,而這些相似、重複的影像也暗示著每日生活就是這些荒謬情境的串連,惟有對日常生活的有意識關注,種種看的見、看不見的,被習以為常、抹平、稀釋的才有可能重新被檢視、並開啟討論的可能。 透過對影像的凝視,在被「建築化的人」與「人化的建築」作品其後,人與空間是如何被塑造與相互轉化,差異又是如何潛伏在影像與現實的縫隙中。 從一個觀看風景到地方的編輯,探討的是隱藏在其後的主體的觀看,誰是主體?城鄉對照之下,影像之內,何者被視為異國?影像之外,誰擁有了對一個地方想像與編輯的權利。 最後期許藉由藝術彰顯不被重視的、卻又普遍存在於日常生活中被隱沒的差異與距離,並且讓藝術走向現實成為行動的橋梁。


日常生活 影像 現實 風景/地景 地方


This research of creation is to introduce my works from 2008 to 2010 and organized the life experience in urban and rural environments. By extracting the contents of my previous art works and surveying related works in theories of daily life practice, thread of thought about space usage, photography, modern fine arts and sociology, I tried to understand the difference of the daily life experiences I am acquainted with. The adjective “acquainted” may not be exactly correct because, after further scrutiny, a lot of scenes in my life differ according to where they are observed. Similar icons in urban or rural areas may represent different meaning while sometimes different icons are used for the same purpose. To further study the difference, I took a series of pictures. Through these pictures, I have my own explanation for the difference which are presented in the following order. In the prologue, I asset my personal life experience which differs according to the places I visited and my occupation, a elementary school teacher. The background of creation, the purpose and the ways of implementation are later derived by the experience. The experience can be considered as a starting point to understand the contents of the series of art works. I reviewed the previous works on daily life practice theories in the first chapter. It provides a solid theoretical base to study and formulate the difference and communality formed by habits of people. In the second chapter, I intended to clarify the relationship between art and our daily life by examine the progress of art history. My works can be divided as two parts. The first half which is presented in the third chapters is to discuss and demonstrate the relationship between society and human bodies in our daily life. The second half in the fourth chapter is focused on spaces in urban areas. It not only searches the meaning of spatial symbols by demonstrating parts of our living space but also studies the relationship of the spatial symbols and space consumption.


everyday life image reality landscape place


3、Henri Lefebvre,《The Production of Space》 。
考》(Visual Methodolygies- an Introduction to the
3、Marco Casagrande 個人部落格 。 


程翰常(2013)。荒謬解讀 --- 程翰常的影像創作詮釋〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6835/TNUA.2013.00143

