  • 學位論文


Taiwan Modern Theater —A Case Study for Administration and Management of “The Ping-Fong Acting Troupe”

指導教授 : 詹惠登


隨著藝術人文與教育的發展,文化產業化在現今已成為必要的趨勢與概念,1980年至今,台灣陸續成立大小規模的現代劇團,劇團的成立並不困難,但是如何有效的經營與管理才是創團者需要思考的方向;近年來,隨著藝術管理的理論日受重視,藝術與管理結合,是文化產業化的必然途徑,更是現代劇團經營者需要探究的專業領域。本研究以個案方式,對現今業界公認三大劇團之一的『屏風表演班』進行研究,針對其劇團發展之組織架構、行政管理、行銷策略與長期經營計畫做一深入的探討與研究。 『屏風表演班』成立於1986年,歷年來共計發表了三十六回作品,演出場次1279場,觀眾為992,166人次,戲劇作品以本土•原創為該團最具特色的藝術定位。屏風經營管理的模式是從無前例可循的摸索中逐漸成長的,本研究將其發展歷程分為小劇場時期(1986-1988)、大劇場前期(1989-1992)、大劇場中期(1993-1996)、大劇場全盛期(1997-2000)、危機期(2001-2003)、再生期(2003-)六個時期;各時期的組織架構都因應劇團行政與演出製作的需求不斷地修正與調整,而行銷策略與觀眾發展亦隨著時代與科技的進步,持續地開發與成長,經過長時間實務經驗的累積,在現代劇團中奠定了不可取代的價值與地位。 本研究欲深入探討『屏風表演班』創團二十一年的發展歷程與經營管理之模式,藉由藝術管理的理論進行實務性的檢視,進而提出『屏風表演班』在劇團經營管理的優勢與不足之處,提供該團在未來經營管理修正之建議,另一方面亦希望能提供其它現代劇團經營管理參考之模式與方法。


With the development of the sociality and education, cultural industry has become a necessary trend and a concept. Since 1980, some modern theatre companies have been established. The establishment of a theatre is not difficult, but how to run and manage it is what the establisher needs to think.In recent years, with the importance of the theory of art management, art, combined with management has become a way of cultural industry. This research focuses on one of the top three modern theatre company “The Ping Fong Acting Troupe”, and targets the construction, administration, marketing strategy and long-term management of the troupe. “The Ping Fong Acting Group” established in 1986. In these 21 years, 36 plays have been produced, and 1279 times have been performed. The total audience reaches 992,166. Local and original product is the value of this group. The management of this group has no model to follow, and in this study, the development of this troupe can be divided into 6 stages -Theater of Experiment(1986-1988)、Theater of Earlier Stage (1989-1992)、Theater of Middle stage (1993-1996)、Theater of Effloresce (1997-2000)、Theater of Crisis(2001-2003)、Theater of Regeneration (2003-)。 The structure of each stage has been revised and adjusted, and the marketing strategy and the audience have also been growing with the development of time and technology. After a long time experience, the group has been in an irreplaceable position. In this research, the development and the management of “The Ping-Fong Acting Troupe” will be deeply discussed. By the examine of Art Administration and Management, the advantage and the shortage of the group will be proposed, which will provide the suggestion of the management for the troupe and also other groups in the future.


Greg Hicks著(邱天欣譯),《危機領導》。台北市:美商麥格羅•希爾國際股份有限公司,2003


