  • 學位論文


“Travel Books” - Artists’ Books

指導教授 : 董振平


本論述以「移動記」為核心,探究以靜態媒體「藝術家的書」呈現動態時空 的創作形式;以及個人心理層面,對於「綿延」與「移動狀態」的強烈表現慾望, 而發展出的獨特創作模式及作品;藉由撰寫此篇論述文章之機會,進行歸納整理 與發表工作。 本論述以下列章節呈現: 第一章緒論,為創作動機和背景探究。 第二章以「移動記」作為論述的主要議題。探究詞義根源,並對照個人創作 的緣起與根基,以及發展過程中的轉變;希望能對自己執著的創作主題有更深層 的了解。 第三章「藝術家的書」,為創作形式之學理基礎,分為繪畫、版畫、拼貼、 書籍裝訂、連續藝術、藝術家的書等部份;並列舉數件與自身作品相關的當代書 籍藝術作品,作為個人作品之參照。 第四章「作品形式解析」,包括構圖與色彩、創作載體之裝訂形式(硬殼穿 線精裝、摺頁、VS裝訂法)、空間、展呈以及單件作品之主題意象說明。 結論,為本創作論述的研究心得整理,以及未來的發展與期望。


The main concept of the artistic creation theory “Travel Books” is to explore ways of expressing dynamic time and space through static media “Artists’ Books”, and to develop the special creative thinking and the presentation of works in consequence through the introspection of the duration and the move. Moreover, I proceed to sum up and put things in order by writing this thesis. This article is presented with the following chapters: The first chapter, “Introduction”, is “creative motive” and “background exploring”. Chapter two, the main concept of the thesis based on “Travel Books”, analyzes the meanings of the title, and is compared to the origin and the foundation of the personal creation. Chapter three, “Artists’ Books”, is the exploration of painting and drawing, printmaking and monoprints, collage, bookbinding, sequential art, and artists’ books. Furthermore, it particularizes several artists creation achievement to be the reference object of the bibliographies. The fourth chapter, features the compositions, the colors, the bindings of blank sketchbooks, the space, the concept of the display in my solo exhibition, and the topic of each artwork. “Conclusion” reorganizes for the research attainment of this creation elaboration and relates the development and expectation in the future.


Drawing Monoprints Sequential Art Artists’ Books Book Art Travel


19. Kandinsky 著,吳瑪悧譯,1985《藝術的精神性》台北,藝術家出版社。
25. Keith A. Smith.Fred A. Jordan, 2002《Bookbinding for Book Artist》
Rochester, Keith Smith Books.
26. P. Johnson, 1990《Creative Bookbinding》New York, Dover.
