  • 學位論文

主題符號融入舞蹈教學之行動研究 -以國中非舞蹈專長教師舞蹈進修課程為例

Action Research on Integrating Motif Notation in Dance Pedagogy for None-Dance-Trained Teachers in the Junior High Schools

指導教授 : 王雲幼
共同指導教授 : 吳怡瑢


九年一貫課程之表演藝術課已行之有年,但對於師資培育、教師進修與研究卻未能同步規劃,以致課程實施後,面臨表演藝術師資數量與專業能力不足之問題,而其中舞蹈師資的培育與進修問題更為一大隱憂。本研究旨在探究以拉邦舞譜中的主題符號(Motif Notation) 作為舞蹈教學輔助工具,融入國中非舞蹈專長在職教師舞蹈進修課程。研究對象為六名台北縣市國中教師,課程內容以舞蹈體驗、觀摩舞蹈教學示範及團隊教學創意激盪為主,共計十八小時。前十五小時,由研究者教授十個教學主題;後三小時,學員同儕間模擬試教、分享回饋。本研究採用行動研究法,透過行動與反省的交互作用,觀察、分析主題符號舞蹈教學實施歷程中,學員舞蹈知能的轉變及教學的啟發。研究結果顯現: 一、主題符號舞蹈進修課程之「教」與「學」的課程模式,有益於學員舞蹈知能與教學的雙向舞蹈成長。 二、主題符號的圖像學習和符號指引特性,可提升學員舞蹈學習的效能。 三、主題符號課程有助於學員舞蹈專業知能之認知、技能與情意的學習轉變。 四、主題符號課程可啟發學員舞蹈課程設計及舞蹈教學引導的能力。


The performing arts class of the Grade One-Nine Curriculum has been implemented for years. The purpose of this research is to integrate Motif Notation developed from Labanotation into the in-service dance curriculum for none-dance trained teachers in the junior high school in Taiwan. The research participants included six junior high school teachers with the training in drama, music, fine art and science who worked in Taipei area. The curriculum of this study included dance movement experience and dance teaching presentation in order to inspire the teachers’ creative thinking in dance curricular design and teaching. The researcher provided ten three-hour training lessons of Motif Notation for the teachers. Then the teachers taught the self-designed lessons to each other. The research methodology was Action Research. Through qualitative data collection and analysis, this study aimed for investigating the process of teaching/learning dance with the assistance of Motif Notation. The research results showed that Motif Notation could guide the teacher-participants to engage in movement exploration and creation, to increase their understandings of dance and to enhance their abilities to design and implement the integrated curriculum of dance that integrated Motif Notation.


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