  • 學位論文

《城市角隅》創作紀實 傳統肢體語彙的淬鍊與創新

"City Corner" Innovation and Extraction from Classical Movement Vocabulary

指導教授 : 平珩


摘 要 本文將以《城市角隅》製作中《新語》、《厝》、《千百座奶峰》三首舞作的編創過程作為主要敘述對象,輔以說明整體演出製作流程及筆者自身舞蹈生命經驗,藉由筆者本身所受傳統肢體訓練為命題,研究傳統肢體語彙背後的思維與藝術創作之於現代社會的功能與作用。 第壹章緒論重點為畢業製作流程的回顧與檢視,並對於「傳統肢體語彙」作一個界定與意義闡述。第貳章在於分析舞作《新語》,從傳統音樂中取材,運用當代舞蹈的肢體語彙,重新認識傳統音樂的過程。第參章敘述舞作《厝》如何從傳統戲曲的素材中發想,演變成為檢視家庭關係的情境舞作,以便讓藝術更貼近一般生活的編創。第肆章從作品《千百座奶峰》的發展歷程中,點出看似合理的現代化政策,其實可能隱含了對於原生族群生活的剝削,兩造之間能否找到新的發展模式是本作品希望能引出的進一步思考。在審視整製作歷程後,對於自我身體經驗的歸納,以及在生命轉折後的發現與自我定位,是本文第伍章的重心與結論。 自表演藝術學習、演出到創作近三十年的歲月中,深深體會到藝術是一種無形的轉化,筆者希望能在潛移默變中運用傳統新思維,以積厚社會人文思考的底蘊;藉由藝術工作者的生命經驗,與傳統人文連結,強化藝術在當今社會中的必要性。


"City Corner" Innovation and Extraction from Classical Movement Vocabulary The choreography production “City Corner” includes three dance works, New Words in Old Memory, Mom Song and Endless Peak. Based on training and research from classical techniques, the choreographer tried to elaborate classical movement vocabulary, and hopefully to bring new thought reflecting the contemporary life. Chapter one gives an overview description about the production process and also defines the fundamental meaning of “classical movement vocabulary”. Chapter two is to analyze the dance, New Words in Old Memory. It focuses on the use of contemporary dance vocabulary utilizing the traditional music, taking it as a process of re-recognizing traditional music. Chapter Three is about Mom Song inspired by the Chinese Opera. The dramatized family life means to bring the piece that is familiar to our real life experience. Chapter Four spells out the dance, Endless Peaks which points out the injustice to indigenous people in National Park policies. It is to remind us and to inspire a further thinking for them and for us. By examining the process of the entire production, I have come to the understanding from my body experiences which is analyzed in the chapter five. I found new characters and inner balances of self. Creating, performing and training have fulfilled my life. In these fruitful years of study, I appreciate and believe art as an invisible transformation of the life of all human beings. I hope to offer the wisdom of utilizing traditional movement vocabulary into contemporary choreography. In intertwining traditional techniques into my choreography experience, I believe the production “City Corner” has strengthened my skill in creative works. I hope to share my final report to the people, not just in dance but the society.


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