  • 學位論文


The reification of soul─ Self-Distortion and Appearance in match-making

指導教授 : 董振平


在「物化的靈魂」論述裡,以人我關係做為創作的起點,相親模式做為創作的形式,作者就自身經驗與文獻資料,觀察到婚姻市場裡外顯條件與內在情感相對關係的荒謬感:社會主流價值對於男女角色的不同期望,與主觀意識的條件交換,人的價值在此被物化;我試圖在作品中談論將人除去自我意識並視做一個物體,轉化為主體性消失的商品,化約為消費主義的商業模式等內容。   作者企圖在創作上產生溝通能量,可以跨越語言、文字、時代鴻溝,發散出深刻意念的面向,在此系列計劃中,以田野調查式的精神,透過有意地組織社群或隨機地街頭訪談,展開一種開放性的對話方式,試圖創造一個溝通思辯的創作迴路,主要的創作形式以影像、錄影、裝置等方式呈現,做為對話互動的記錄,其中承載了個體的省思與對情感的渴求。 本篇論述的主軸以抵抗物化的脈絡展開,第一章就論述內容與創作理念做整體性說明;第二章檢視梳理相關的社會文化觀點與作者的自身經驗延伸而出的觀點;第三章分析藝術創作的重要內涵與相關當代創作的研究;第四章說明創作語彙與形式結構的應用;第五章簡述作者於2006年至2008年之間所創作的系列作品內容。作者透過創作的過程做為生命歷程的記錄,以不斷地挖掘自身的情感經驗做為根基,與外部環境進行對話,以藝術創作表達作者對於人我關係的理解,試圖以之勾勒物化世界,認清自我與世界的對應關係。


物化 對話 相親 錄影 影像 裝置


In the discussion of “reification of soul,” began with the relationship between people, and the inspiration coming from the idea of matchmaking in artistic creation. From my personal life experience and from the literature, I have observed the relationship between the institution of marriage and people’s interior mentality. I have also observed how mainstream social norms have different expectations for male and female roles, and other such biased opinion. We see reification of human values, and their transformation into commodities that have lost their objectivity. Worship of what is material is transformed, by way of creation, into some kind of consumerist business mode. Consequently, it takes away from man his self-consciousness, which is relegated to a material level. In contrast, the conversion of material things into forms of commodities is given a totally new definition.   I tried to create a communicative function in my work. It transcends languages, words, and generation gaps, to disseminate profound concepts. Borrowing from the spirit of field surveys, I interviewed people from groups and communities, and people in the streets at random. The dialogue was open-ended and aimed at creating a creative circuit for communication and thought. The major creative forms were presented in terms of images, videos and installation, which served as chronicles for the dialogue and interaction. They also carried my ideas about self-ego and expectations about marriage. Discussions in this thesis centered on the themes of reification and self-consciousness. Chapter 1 explains the contents and creative concepts. Chapter 2 deals with an analysis of social and cultural perspectives, compared with my own experiences. The third chapter analyses important contents of artistic creation and development. The fourth chapter explains the creative terminology and the application of formal structures. Chapter 5 introduces my creations from 2006 to 2008. Through the creative process, I have tried to dig deeper into my own emotional experiences, which were used as the departing point. The limits of objective consciousness in a reified world are probed as a way to release my own cravings in regard to my interior feelings.


Reification , dialogue matchmaking video art images installation art


陳傳興 著(1998),《憂鬱文件》。台北:雄獅。
Christine Macel(2003), 《Sophie Calle: m’as-tu vue 》,Edition du Centre Georges Pompidou, France: Paris.
Brooks Adams(1997), 《Sensation: Young British Artists from the Saatchi Collection》,Thames & Hudson, London.
