  • 學位論文


The Effects of Diorama Exhibit Caption Content Structure on Visitors' Learning Outcomes

指導教授 : 劉德祥


本研究嘗試探討自然史博物館中的生態實景展示,了解觀眾使用不同內容組織的展示板其學習成效的影響。透過目前展示場中以敘述物種知識為內容組織的展示板為對照組,再與以生態學概念(Ecological concept)進行內容組織的實驗組展示板進行比較,針對兩組觀眾的學習成效進行分析。研究時間為2010年10月至2011年1月,地點在國立自然科學博物館「芸芸眾生」展示廳中的「東非稀樹草原」生態實景展示為研究場域,研究期間共有280位觀眾參與前後測問卷的調查。以成對樣本t檢定來進行資料分析,比較兩組觀眾在前後測問卷中地理氣候、物種適應、食物網及保育概念四大主題得分之差異;並以展示子題、教育程度、保育行為實踐程度作為因子進行分析。 研究結果顯示,參觀觀眾的教育程度以大專院校(50.4%)學歷最多,年齡集中在11-20歲(48.2%)、21-30歲(27.1%)之間,且擁有較高的保育概念。在整體學習成效部分,兩組不同內容組織的展示板皆能提升觀眾的學習成效,但整體分數增加的幅度則以實驗組的展示板優於對照組的展示板。在各子題學習成效差異部分,實驗組觀眾在四個子題中後測分數皆能有顯著的增加,而對照組觀眾只能在地理氣候、物種適應、食物網子題中後測分數有顯著的增加,在保育概念部分則無法達到顯著的學習成效。當以雙因子ANOVA分析教育程度對實驗組與對照組是否有影響時,結果顯示兩組的表現並未因不同的教育程度而有異,但大學以下的觀眾在實驗組能有較大幅度的後測分數提增加。相近的結果也出現於不同子題與組別的雙因子ANOVA分析。在保育行為實踐程度與學習成效的關係上,經分析後顯示兩者沒有顯著的相關性,但呈負相關性趨勢。此外,分析結果顯示保育行為實踐程度低的觀眾其後測分數增加幅度較大,表示展示板對平時保育行為實踐程度較低者影響較大。 最後針對展示板內容組織方式給予建議:展示板設計首先要透過整體想法擬訂整個展示場中要表達的主軸,然後分析展示內容中第一層次基礎知識及第二層次原理概念的內容,再利用概念圖組織完整的知識架構,從普遍的概念連繫到專一的概念,將展示內容轉化為展示板的撰寫。


The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of exhibit caption content organizations on the learning outcomes of museum visitors. The study was conducted at the East African Savannah exhibit at the National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung from October 2010 to January 2011. Two types of caption content organization were used. The in-situ exhibit caption showing only factual species taxonomic and climatic information was used as control (Control group) while the experimental caption contained additional ecological concepts such as adaptation, food web and wildlife conservation concepts (Experimental group). 280 visitors were invited to participate in this pre- and post-test study. A twenty-question questionnaire consisted of four ecological themes was administered. A scale of measuring visitors’ conservation attitude was also included in the questionnaire. After completing the pre-test, visitors were randomly assigned to one of these two caption types. Post-tests were then conducted after reviewing the captions and the change in scores of pre- and post-test were used as measurement of learning outcomes. Data analysis revealed that there was an overall improvement in post-test scores for both groups, and the scale of improvement for the experimental group was higher than the control group. Additional analysis showed that in the experimental group, significant post-test score improvement was found across all four ecological themes. A subsequent two-factor ANOVA analysis revealed that visitors’ educational levels did not affect their learning outcomes. However, more prominent post-test score improvement was found in visitors with pre-college education level. Similar ANOVA analysis also showed that learning outcomes did not change for the four ecological themes. Correlation analysis indicated that there was no significant relationship between visitor’s conservation attitude and learning outcomes. Interestingly, visitors with low conservation attitude showed a higher post-test score improvement. It’s generally advised that Novak’s Concept Maps should be used as a guide to include relevant information at the early phrase of the exhibit caption writing process. This practice should be valuable in developing captions that enhance the understanding of scientific concepts rather than the mere memorization of scientific facts.


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