  • 學位論文


In the Twinkling of an Eye: A Dancer’s Body Exploration

指導教授 : 張中煖


【流轉•瞬間】-一位舞者的身體探索,是筆者歷經畢業製作演出『流轉•瞬間─古竺穎 陳維寧雙人畢業聯展』後,身體探索的歷程。同時,也透過這次的製作與演出對自我身體的重新認知與檢視,並說明自我身體的改變與成長。 本文主要的結構為:第壹章『身體密碼』,是筆者進入研究所後所面臨新觀念、舊身體的衝突與自我審視;第貳章身體的【流轉•瞬間】,是以客觀的角度敘述畢業製作之主要概念、規劃流程、排練過程及演出作品;第叁章『身體的蛻變』,透過自身扮演製作人、工作夥伴、舞伴及表演者等多重角色的參與、分析,探討畢業製作演出之過程與成果;第肆章則以『體質的成長與蛻變』來剖析自己的體質及其所經歷的變化;最後一章以『身體的思索』為標題,提出何謂舞蹈表演者的身體作為全文總結,也藉此引發大家共同關注此議題,並產生自我惕勵及策勵他人之意義。


“In the Twinkling of an Eye: A Dancer’s Body Exploration,” is a graduate production for my Master of Fine Arts degree at the Graduate School of dance Performance, Taipei National University of the Arts. The entire process of the performance is not only an exploration of my own body, but also a re-examination of my body awareness and changes. This thesis is composed with five chapters. In chapter one, I briefly describe the exploration of body potentials during my entire study in dance. Chapter two states the main thoughts and practices about the graduate production, including the process of rehearsals and the content of each dance piece. Meanwhile, as a producer, a coworker, a partner, and a performer, I try to analyze the procedure and the result of the graduate production from different viewpoints in chapter three. Chapter four is an analysis of my body characteristics and its changes through the performance. In final chapter, I try to bring up some thoughts about “performing body” from a performer’s point of view. It is expected this thesis will enable to help me develop a thinking body towards my professional dance career, and at the same time stimulate dancers to pay attention to their own body and performance.


朱立人 主編(1994)。《舞蹈美學》。台北市:紅葉文化。
