  • 學位論文


The Inheritance of Literary Properties of Qin Music in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王美珠


本文探討清代以來,至戰後第一代琴人活動凋零為止,台灣古琴音樂文化傳承的脈絡和琴樂活動所顯現的特質,並進一步分析在這些活動背後的琴人理念和思維,以「文人性」作為統整和貫串這種種現象的中心價值。 本文首先歸納古琴音樂發展歷史上,所形成的種種與文人密切相關的文化特質,包括琴樂作為士人人格和志趣的象徵,以及游藝生活中的一環;琴樂和文學、書畫之間的互為文本關係及審美概念的相通性;琴樂美學與儒、道思想的相關性等等。 接著,分別針對清代、日治時期和戰後三個不同時期,討論琴人的活動,以及琴樂文化和概念的展現。在琴人的身分特質上,不論清代、日治時期或戰後,都有兼具文人、詩人或書畫家的特質,而琴樂文化的相關知識也在文學、書畫和音樂互為文本的文人傳統中擴散到台灣的文人群體中。琴人也以實際的音樂活動,以及詩文和書畫作品來具體實踐和傳達古琴音樂的種種文人性審美概念。 在台灣琴樂的傳承源流上,在清代及日治時期的文獻,以及《滋蘭閣琴譜》和《典型俱在》的內容來源中,可見到來自閩南泉州琴樂傳統、以及廣陵琴派的影響。另外,從《典型俱在》抄錄七絃琴指法,以及琴人與「十三音」或「漢樂」、「文樂」團體的關係,也顯露出古琴音樂透過上述音樂團體傳承的可能性。戰後台灣古琴音樂傳承的流派,雖已混合不易區分,然而透過琴譜的蒐集、編輯和重新修訂,顯示了台灣琴人尋求琴樂正統傳承地位的意圖。藏琴作為一種傳承,也清楚地展現在台灣琴人的行為和心態上。 戰後的公開性古琴音樂會演出,雖然是過去所未見的新形態,且似乎與琴樂傳統中「自娛」及「小眾」的性格有所衝突,但琴人透過與書畫展覽合辦、音樂會命名及整體風雅形象的塑造,以及發揚中國傳統文化菁華之「繼承道統」的心志,重新創造出在新的演出生態下的傳統文人性形象。


This dissertation explores the activities of qin(Guqin, seven-stringed zither) players in Taiwan since Qing Dynasty to the first generation after World War II. The inheritance of repertory, musical style, cultural characteristics and ideology of qin music are traced through historical documents. These various phenomena could be summarized and highlighted as an inheritance of literary tradition emerged from the life values and aesthetic tastes of traditional Chinese literati. First, we take an overview of the literary properties embedded in qin music culture. Qin is a symbol of virtue and good taste of the literati, and plays an important role in literary leisure life. Qin music also has great intertextuality with traditional literature and fine arts, and bears the same aesthetic values, including that originated from Confucianism and Taoism. Then, we examine the activities of qin players in Taiwan, in Qing Dynasty, Japanese colonial period, and post-war period dominated by KMT, respectively. We find that the qin players in Taiwan carried on the literary properties quite obviously, in spite of the changes in social, political and cultural environments. Most of them kept several kinds of literary interests and abilities, such as poetry, painting, and calligraphy. The ideology and aesthetics of qin music also spread among these literary art fields into Taiwanese literati circle. As to the musical lineage of Taiwanese qin players before 1945, two anthologies of qin music and other historical materials show the influences of local tradition of south-Fukien and Guang Ling School. In post-war period, although the schools of qin music were somewhat mixed, the qin players sought to re-establish the lineage by collecting, editing and publishing qin anthologies. In order to make qin music inherited and revived in the modern society, the qin players held public performances and exhibitions, and published essays on qin. In these activities, a new form of traditional literary properties was created.


