

這是篇與記憶的模糊與消逝相關的創作自述,但這模糊與消逝並非只包括字面上的意涵,其中還包含創作本身的各種相對應狀態,我不時去主動觀測這些狀態,在適當的時機將其轉化成創作。 《記憶的糢糊形》是其中的一系列雕塑創作,內容是對自身記憶的觀測,希望能忠實呈現記憶原始的樣態。而《家庭寫真》系列則是利用攝影的手法,希望能把家族的記憶與歷史用客觀與寫實的方式保留下來。 自述中有生活的經驗、旅遊札記與創作的心路歷程,是一種經驗反芻再消化的過程。創作的形式從雕塑跨越到攝影,其中也包含不同媒材的交互影響而交織發展出的脈落。


記憶的糢糊形 家庭寫真 記憶 模糊 消逝 木雕 攝影 暗房


This summary is about the fuzzy and fading memories concerning my creative inspiration. However, the words: “fuzzy” and “fading” is not only limited on the vocabulary meaning, but also matching the various form of the creating process; I constantly check on those forms in order to transform them into my work in a appropriate time. is a series of my sculpture works. The content of it is a self observation of memories. I try to restore memories’ original form. series is a work that through the photography, I wish I can preserve the family’s memories and history in an objective and realistic method. In the summery there are experiences of daily living, traveling notes and creative inspirations. It is a process of experiences that have been ruminant and re-digest. The creative form includes sculpture and photography, also contains some developments that has been interact with the multi-medias.


巴特 (Roland Barthes) 著 ;《明室攝影札記》 (La Chambre Claire), 許綺玲譯 , 臺北 : 臺灣攝影, 1997
班雅明 (Walter Benjamin)著;《迎向靈光消逝的年代》(Walter Benjamin Essais), 許綺玲 譯 , 臺北 : 臺灣攝影工作室 , 1998
阮義忠 著 ;《正方形的鄉愁》(Square of Nostalgia), 臺北 : 攝影家 , 1999


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