  • 學位論文

台灣所見南管系統的戲劇鑼鼓研究- 以小梨園《高文舉》為例

The Percussion music In Nankuan Operas Seen in Taiwan — Gao Wen Ju in Xiao Li-yuan

指導教授 : 李殿魁


本論文乃建基在台灣所見南管系統的戲曲鑼鼓之相關研究。南管系統戲曲指的是流行於閩南地區的泉腔相關劇種,它主要包括有泉州的梨園戲、傀儡戲、掌中戲、高甲戲與台灣的七子戲、九甲戲。因筆者之個人機遇,誠有較多接觸梨園戲之機會,故本研究主要乃以梨園戲鑼鼓為主體。首先簡述曲頭、唸白、身段及特殊慣例之鑼鼓應用與實踐的問題;其次論述梨園戲與其他相關劇種在不同面相上的彼此關係;再以七子戲、梨園戲、高甲戲三個劇種共有的劇目--小梨園《高文舉》實際演出為例,以之分析同屬南管系統的戲曲鑼鼓之間的異同。 梨園戲鑼鼓與其他南管系統戲曲鑼鼓之間的關係,除了彼此皆程度不一地涵括泉腔南管音樂系統的某些藝術特質外,泉州梨園戲並在清末民初期間,受到江西大班(京劇)等外來劇種的影響,已一定程度地融入了「北鑼鼓」(京劇鑼鼓)的某些應用機制。基於「北鑼鼓」已在梨園戲的實踐中行之有年,故一併蒐集整理以作為比較的參照。另外,為了說明中國傳統戲曲鑼鼓在聲響結構之間的異同性,本文選擇了在台灣具代表性的劇種--京劇鑼鼓和北管鑼鼓,透過各劇種所襲用的鑼鼓樂器在聲響上的物理特性解析,以圖像數據呈現出其間的基本聲響與結構之差異,並與梨園戲鑼鼓互相參照。


南管戲 梨園戲 小梨園 高文舉 鑼鼓


This paper is based on the related studies of Nankuan percussion music found in Taiwan today. First, what we call Nankuan opera is directly related to the operas that are sang by Chiuan Chiang dialogue. Mainly, it includes Li-yuan, Marionette, Puppet and Gaojia Opera in Chiuan Chiang, and Chi-zi (Seven Children Opera) and Kaoka operas in Taiwan. This thesis primarily analyzes Li-yuan opera. First, the thesis starts with briefly discussion of Chjui-to, lyrics(lines), movements and distinct use of percussion music in Li-yuan Opera. Second, I will distinguish and compare the different tone qualities of percussion in Li-yuan and other popular traditional Chinese operas. Comparatively, the thesis will take Gao Wen Ju as a model to analyze how it is produced in Chi-zi Opera, Li-yuan opera and Kaoka opera by different percussion instruments. The relationship between Li-yuan and other Nankuan operas in percussion music is that they are both moderately connected to Chiuan Chiang. Toward the end of Ching dynasty, Li-yuan was further to absorb Peking Opera’s percussion music and blended it into its opera created what we call North percussion music today. Due to North percussion music’s popularity in Li-yuan opera, it will be discussed in this thesis. Furthermore, in order to illustrate the different tone qualities of percussion instruments in traditional Chinese operas, North and BaiGuan percussion music will also be demonstrated here. The main emphasis of this part will be on their physical characteristics, using spectra and figures to display how they would be sounded and constructed, as it will be consequently compared with Li-yuan percussion music.


一、 專書
刁均寧 輯


