  • 學位論文


Research of Contemporary Flute Works in Taiwan

指導教授 : 顏綠芬


臺灣長笛作品的創作與發表,皆與西洋音樂在臺灣的發展息息相關。西洋音樂自19世紀末傳入臺灣,日治時期普遍實施西式音樂教育,使當時有志成為音樂家的青年,紛紛前往日本留學。他們帶回歐美的古典音樂,成立西洋樂團、舉辦音樂會,一方面推展西洋音樂,另一方面使學習音樂者有表演的機會。但這些留日音樂家大多是學習鋼琴、聲樂與弦樂,因此臺灣早期的管樂器師資較缺乏。 近年來的臺灣,各種西洋樂器的學習已經非常普遍,而長笛的學習人口於管樂器中居冠,且遙遙領先其他樂器,除了成立長笛樂團,有關長笛的演奏會、比賽,也經常在各地舉行。但是曲目幾乎都是外來的,臺灣的作品非常少。為了探究臺灣作曲家針對長笛作品創作的概況,本研究先著手蒐集資料,研究出臺灣當代長笛作品於1960年代才開始起步,1980年代漸趨成熟,1990年後作品更豐富與多元化。本研究蒐集了臺灣1960年至2010年間的各類型長笛作品,並選擇獨奏曲、二重奏與協奏曲為研究重點,一方面作分析研究,另外亦涉及演奏生態、演奏詮釋等問題。藉由訪談作曲家、演奏家,參考前輩音樂家的經驗和見解,期望從不同面向的研究,作為臺灣當代長笛作品發展史的初探。


The creation and publication of flute works in Taiwan are intimately related to the local development of Western music. The propagation of Western music to Taiwan started during the Japan colonial period, at which the musical education had been generally implemented. Accordingly, young musicians were continuously aspired to study in Japan. They brought back classical music from abroad and established Western music orchestras to hold concerts and let musicians have a stage to perform. However, these pioneering musicians mainly studied in piano, vocal, or other stringed instruments. Therefore, there was a lack of wind-instrument musicians and teachers in the early period of Taiwan. In the last decades, learning to play western music instruments has been widespread in Taiwan; in particular, the population of learning flutes is the largest among wind instruments. Numerous flute ensembles have been established and many concerts and competitions for flutes were developed to an unprecedented height during 1980s. Yet, most of the repertoires were from western and only a few local works had been composed. The contemporary flute works of Taiwanese composer began in 1960s. These works grew more matured in 1980s and the style of music has become abundant and diverse after 1990s. This dissertation has collected various types of flute works in Taiwan from1960 to 2010, especially focuses on solo pieces, duets, and concertos. Both the analyses and the performance practices of these collections are discussed, which mainly based on the interviewing of several senior musicians. The dissertation is expected to be the preliminary research for the history of contemporary flute works in Taiwan.


陳惠湄 譯,Claude Dorgeuille 著, L'ecole francaise de flute《法國長笛學派》,原笙國際,2009。
Dick, Robert. The Other Flute : A Performance Manual of Contemporary Techniques. 2 ed. New York: Multiple Breath Music Co., 1989.

