  • 學位論文

法蘭茲•杜普勒《瓦拉幾亞曲調幻想曲》與 《匈牙利田園幻想曲》長笛作品研究與詮釋探討

The Analysis and Interpretation of “Airs Valaques, Op.10” and “Fantaise Pastorale Hongroise, Op.26” by Franz Doppler

指導教授 : 宋麗曼


法蘭茲•杜普勒(Franz Doppler, 1821~1883)是受到浪漫主義與民族主義思潮影響的十九世紀作曲家之一,同時也擁有長笛演奏家的身分。當時的浪漫樂派受到民族主義興起的影響,杜普勒的音樂風格展現出具有民族風的旋律與節奏,擅長使用民族音樂的元素來變化音樂,使得他創作的長笛作品具有鮮明的個人風格與強烈的民族色彩。 本文討論之長笛作品《瓦拉幾亞曲調幻想曲》以及《匈牙利田園幻想曲》皆是屬於以原有素材加以改編的作品,從作品中可看出杜普勒期望在音樂中傳達出吉普賽音樂的民族色彩,以他對於吉普賽音樂的理解,譜寫成更貼近大眾想像的民族音樂,並藉著和聲的運用、快慢速度的銜接、節奏的切換、裝飾奏、彈性速度等特色來展現其音樂特色與熱愛即興的音樂風格。 全文共分為五章,第一章為緒論;第二章簡述杜普勒生平與創作類型與風格;第三章為《瓦拉幾亞曲調幻想曲》之創作動機、樂曲分析與樂曲的演奏詮釋;第四章為《匈牙利田園幻想曲》之創作動機、樂曲分析與樂曲的演奏詮釋;第五章為結語。


ABSTRACT Franz Doppler, a flute virtuoso and a composer in 19 century. Influenced by Romanticism and Nationalism, Doppler’s music demonstrates ethnic styles in both melody and rhythm. By using folk music, his flute composition contains vivid personal style and strong national colors. The “Airs Valaques, Op.10” and “Fantaise Pastorale Hongroise, Op.26”, flute compositions revised from originals, revels Doppler’s intention of expressing the characteristics of Gypsy music. Because of his understanding of Gypsy’s, his music is easier for public to echo back. With harmonic style, various speed, switch of tempo, cadenza, and Tempo Rubato, the music is full of improvisation. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is introduction. The following chapter briefs Doppler’s life and composition style. The third and the forth ones contain the motivation, analysis, and interpretation for “Airs Valaques, Op.10” and “Fantaise Pastorale Hongroise, Op.26”. The final chapter concludes.


Doppler Flute Fantaise


Sadie, Stanley. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 7 vols. London: Mcmillen Publishers, 1980. S.v. "Doppler," by Richard Sherr.
Plantinga, Leon. Romantic Music. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1984.
Whittall, Arnold. Romantic Music. London:Thames and Hudson, 1987.
Franz Doppler. Airs Valaques,Op.10. Gérard Billaudot ed. (1977) Version by Jean- Pierre Rampal.


