  • 學位論文


An Interpretation of Pi-Jung Hsu's Graduation Recital Program- Focusing on Beiguan Old style Theater Music Hue-ke (Huejia)

指導教授 : 潘汝端


北管為台灣傳統音樂的主要樂種之一,其音樂系統包括細曲、戲曲、牌子和絃譜。牌子和絃譜則屬於器樂,細曲和戲曲屬於歌樂。其中戲曲再依聲腔源流的不同,分為扮仙戲、古路戲和新路戲。本文所探討許碧容畢業音樂會「情攝北管」曲目之一的戲曲《回家》,即為古路戲曲。《回家》的劇情內容為薛仁貴從軍十三年,與家人離別數載,因思念故鄉而喬裝小兵回家探視,不料卻在回家途中誤殺自己的兒子薛丁山。   本篇報告以莊進才藝師所演唱之版本為分析與詮釋的基礎,開頭先以《回家》一齣中所出現的人物作為探討對象,再列舉與《回家》相關的文本作為比較,如京劇、豫劇、梆子、元雜劇、說唱等。最後在唱腔方面,著重於北管古路戲曲《回家》所使用的部分唱腔,包括【彩板】、【緊板】、【緊中慢】、【慢中緊】等的詮釋分析。


Beiguan, as one of the main genres in Taiwanese traditional music, consists of four categories: iu-khik, hi-khik, pai-tsi, and hian-a-phoo. Pai-tsi and hian-a-phoo are instrumental music while the others are vocal music. Furthermore, hi-khik can be subcategorized to three types of plays, the ritual plays, the old-style and the new-style according to the source of their articulation.   One of the pieces in the program of HSU Pi-Jung graduate concert titled “Obsessed with Beiguan”, hue-ke (literally means going home), is just of the old-style play. It tells of a story about a famous general XUE Ren-Gui, who has served in the military for thirteen years far away from his family. Being nostalgic, he pretends to be a soldier for the purpose of his family reunion, but mistakenly kills his son, XUE Ding-Shan, on his way home.   The analysis and interpretation in this article are based on the rendition of the master CHUANG Chin-Tsai. This article, first of all, discusses all the characters in the play hue-ke. Secondly, it compares the text with the hue-ke-related ones in other genres such as jingju, yuju, bangzi, yuan zaju and narrative songs. At last, on the aspect of singing styles, the analysis and interpretation focus on some patterns used in this old-style play hue-ke, including tshai-pan, kin- pan, kin-tiong-bān and bān-tiong- kin.


  2012 《吳千卉畢業音樂會詮釋報告—北管新路戲曲音樂〈西金
  2011 《吳岳庭畢業音樂會詮釋—以臺灣亂彈扮仙戲《三仙白》與
  2012 《蔡怡君畢業音樂會詮釋報告—北管古路戲曲《藥茶記》之


