  • 學位論文


A Study of Xu Xiu-Nian’s Vocal Performance in the Taiwanese Opera

指導教授 : 呂錘寬


摘 要 過去,歌子戲深入台灣民眾的生活,反映著台灣民眾的思想情感和審美觀,雖然時代的腳步很快,然而歌子戲也同樣「活潑好動」,事實證明只要抓住時尚的脈動,它仍可以是無可取代的民間生活劇場。 本論文主要以台灣歌子戲名角許秀年為主要研究對象,筆者透過與許秀年個人的訪談紀錄與相關文獻記載中,顯示了有關許秀年從小到大在歌子戲一路走來的種種歷程,在個人的演員角色上,扮演由俊俏的「小生」至人人愛憐的「小旦」;在參與劇團方面,曾待過拱樂社、金鳳凰歌劇團、楊麗花歌仔劇團、唐美雲歌仔劇團;在演出型態上,順應時代變遷走過內台歌子戲、電影歌子戲、錄音歌子戲、電視歌子戲、現代歌子戲的多元型態。最後,發現在這將近五十年歌子戲歷史歲月裡的許秀年,在這條長遠的歌子戲心路歷程中,不僅有值得我們慢慢去品味的地方,更可以從許秀年身上看到了歌子戲在歷史上的演變及進步,同時,了解社會變遷所帶給現今人們欣賞歌子戲的不同觀點。另外,筆者也針對許秀年在歌子戲表演藝術上的風格特色,進行描述整理與分析,對於從小沉浸於歌子戲薰陶中所培育出的戲劇名角,是如何因應萬難並能飾演多角,逐步以個人引人入勝的演出風格,深入在烙印觀眾們的心中。


Summary In the past, Taiwanese Opera (Ge Zai Xi) went deep into the leisure life of Taiwanese people. Meanwhile, it also reflected the thinking, feelings, and aesthetic views of people in Taiwan. Taiwanese Opera is not outdated by the fast-moving times, as the character of being “alive and active” is inherent in its nature. In fact, as long as Taiwanese Opera captures the trends of time, it can still remain an irreplaceable form of art in Taiwanese daily life. This thesis focuses on the research of the performing art of Xu Xiu Nian, a famous Taiwanese Opera actress. After interviews with Xu Xiu Nian in person and review of relevant documents and records, the author presents various aspects of her performance career. Xu Xiu Nian started as a handsome male lead (siao sheng) when she joined the “Gong Le She” and later played the role of attractive female lead (siao dan) in the “Yang Li Hua Taiwanese Opera Troupe.” During her entire performance career, she has joined various opera troupes: “Gong Le She,” “Jin Feng Huang Taiwanese Opera Troupe,” “Yang Li Hua Taiwanese Opera Troupe,” and “Tang Mei Yun Taiwanese Opera Troupe.” In order to keep up with the trends of time, she has performed Taiwanese Opera in the forms of theatrical performance, cinematic performance, audio-recorded performance, televised performance, and others. Through Xu Xiu Nian’s near fifty years’ performing career, we can not only see the development and progress of Taiwanese Opera but also understand how Taiwanese audience today view and appreciate Taiwanese Opera.The author also describes and analyzes the styles and characters of Xu Xiu Nian’s performing art and illustrates how Xu Xiu Nian, who has learned Taiwanese Opera since her childhood, has managed to and successfully played different roles that would remain inscribed at the heart of Taiwanese audience for many years yet to come.




