

本論文以「科技的負產物」做為創作元素,並提出兩個作品< 刻意,非刻意-心視 >與< 刻意,非刻意-自拍 >。兩個作品皆使用科技為媒材,做一個反科技的省思,在這科技當道的資訊新時代,人們過於追求科技所帶來的享受,沉迷於那些網路平臺之中,過著恣意不真實的第二人生,以忘卻的自身的本質何在,且為了獲得多數大眾的認同,放棄了自身的感受,一同去追求現今的「主流」。本人透過現今極為被重視的影像一環,使用攝影機與體感裝置,承載我的創作理念與想法,展現於觀賞者眼前。 本論文的兩件作品,述說著相同的基本創作理念,都是希望能夠探討自身的真實,針對內心真實有感觸的與追隨主流之下做比較,一個思想與心理的對照。因為兩個作品是由不同的視角,所以看到不一樣的問題,第一個作品< 刻意,非刻意-心視 >是一個由內往外的探討,觀看真實有影響到內心的人文物風景,而< 刻意,非刻意-自拍 >則是由外向內的省思,一個藉由自身心理的捕捉,去了解真實自己對事物的回饋。在這兩個作品的帶領之下,讓觀賞者放下速度去思考第一個真實與第二個虛擬,兩個「我」之間的差異。


穿戴式 反科技 人性 網路平臺 攝影


In this paper, the "negative product" of technology is the creative element; I use it to make two works. < Deliberate or Non-deliberate - Heart Taken > and < Deliberate or Non-deliberate - Selfie >. Both of them use the electronic product as the media, provoking a reflection of anti-technology. In this time, people over the pursuit of electronic technology, and enjoy it. They are addicted to the virtual world, lived a wanton untrue life. They forget their real quality. In order to obtain people’s agreement, they give up caring about their own feel, to pursue today’s “mainstream.” I use camera and body perception device to comply my creative ideas and thoughts, to show them with the viewers. The two works in this paper, recounting the same basic creative ideas. It is hopeful for exploring people’s truth, comparing the different between the inner true feelings (mental) and following the mainstream (ideology). The first work < Deliberate or Non-deliberate - Heart Taken > shows what the real influence things to your heart are, the discussion from the inside out. And < Deliberate or Non-deliberate - Selfie > will show your real feedback on that things, the reflections from outside to inside. Under the leadership of these two works, the viewer may think about the differences between the two "Is".


Wearable Anti-Technology Humanity Network platform Photograph


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