  • 學位論文


Discussion on Japanese-Chinese Translation of Kotaro Isaka’s Accuracy of Death:Theoretical Application and Translation Practice

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


本論文旨在分析並比較伊?筒砟茩朴萛悢w《死神的精度》以及其中譯本第一章至第四章的內容。本論文中的翻譯理論以克里斯蒂安妮•諾德(Christiane Nord)的工具翻譯(instrumental translation)中的等功能翻譯(equifunctional translation)為基礎,共分三大部分。第一部分是透過文本、語用、文化、語言四個層面探討《死神的精度》之翻譯應用實務,第二部分則是從工具翻譯來探討日語中擬音語、擬態語以及慣用句的翻譯,最後則是透過工具翻譯來探究韓禮德所提出人際功能中語氣系統和情態系統翻譯實務,透過不同層面檢視譯文準確性,使譯文評比更為彈性。本論文在以工具翻譯中的等功能翻譯為基礎的同時,透過對「文」(句子)和「節」(子句)的解析,從日語語言學角度檢討中譯本功能上的誤譯,提出翻譯的問題檢討、因應對策以及建議譯文,使翻譯理論和日語語言學相輔相成、實現譯文功能。本論文之研究心得以及附錄相關的整合資料,對中日語文研究者以及翻譯人員,或能提供學術上的貢獻。


This thesis aims at analyzing the Japanese mystery novel, Accuracy of Death, written by Kotaro Isaka and comparing it with Ye-Fan’s Chinese translation from Chapter 1 to Chapter 4 within the theoretical framework of Christiane Nord’s instrumental translation or equifunctional translation. Within this theoretical framework, firstly, this thesis is to evaluate the translation in terms of text, pragmatic, culture, and language level based on the intended function of target text. Secondly, it is to evaluate the translation of Japanese onomatopoeia, mimesis, and idioms. Thirdly, it is to evaluate the translation from the perspectives of “mood system” and “modality system” in terms of interpersonal function approach derived from Hallidayan systemic functional linguistics. The contribution of the evaluation approaches employed in this thesis is to provide a more flexible translation evaluation based on the intended function of target text. And within the theoretical framework of Christiane Nord’s instrumental translation or equifunctional translation, this thesis provides us a new thinking that is to analyze the sentences and the clauses from a linguistic perspective while fulfilling the intended function of target text. It is hoped that this thesis can also serve as a reference for researchers in Japanese linguistics and translators.


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Katharina, Reiss(2004), Rhodes ,F. Erroll (Translator), Translation Criticism: The Potentials and Limitations, Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
Nord, Christiane (2002), Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained(目的性行為:析功能翻譯理論),Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
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