  • 學位論文


An Approach to the English to Chinese Translation of World History: The Heritage of World Civilizations as a Case Study.

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


本論文是透過《世界文明的遺產》 The Heritage of World Civilizations 英譯中的翻譯過程,檢視譯者應用哪些策略方法來使歷史譯文臻於理想。筆者運用一些翻譯理論,如韋努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)的歸化(domesticating translation)以及異化(foreignizing translation)翻譯策略,尤金.奈達(Eugene A. Nida)的等效理論(equivalence),及語用學原則,來判斷各類不同版本的譯文之優劣。   研究發現,高品質的譯出文,需要譯者的內在涵養,除了基本的雙語轉換能力之精通外,對於翻譯文本的領域要有詳盡的掌握能力,原作者所研究的領域與發表過的專書、論文等,也要詳加研讀,以求掌握原作者的思考邏輯;譯出文方面,譯者要避免令人誤會之詞彙與代名詞的誤譯;對於特殊文化詞,要盡可能以相對等的觀念替代;譯者也應該運用背景知識與專業素養,根據上下文的語境做仔細推敲,使譯出文更完整、更適切、精緻;用字遣詞上,四字套語、豐富的詞彙轉換能力都是不可或缺的。   筆者希望對世界通史有興趣的師生、研究人員,以及一般讀者,提供解讀外國歷史與文化方面的參考。


This thesis aims at studying the translation process of The Heritage of World Civilizations, investigating what kind of translation strategies and methods a translator must use to provide ideal translations of historical subjects. The author uses such translation theories as Lawrence Venuti’s domesticating and foreignizing translation, as well as Eugene A. Nida’s theory of equivalence, and also some principle of Pragmatics to decide which kind of translation is better.   This research discovers that high quality translation of historical subject depends on the translator’s foreign language ability and abundant historical knowledge. For a better understanding of the sources texts must pay attention to historians’ publications including their books and monographs. Translators must control the historians’ logic developments. They must detect contextual ideas and cultural equivalence in order to prevent misunderstanding of the historical texts. They also must make clear the use of pronouns in order to prevent confusing target texts. The author emphasizes the importance of some of translator qualifications: they must make clear the contextual logic and reasoning; understand to use the four-word Chinese terms, and be able to create multiple version s of translation. In short, good translators must employ their background knowledge and professional discipline to make their translations readable, acceptable and useful. The author hopes that this study will be helpful for those translation teachers, students, researchers and general readers providing them correct approach to interpret foreign histories and cultures.


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