  • 學位論文


An Approach to the English-to-Chinese Translation of American Novel: A Case Study of The Help

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


本論文主要以美國作家凱瑟琳.史托基特(Kathryn Stockett)的長篇小說作品《姊妹》(The Help)作為英譯中比較與評論的文本,筆者使用韋努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)提出的的歸化異化翻譯策略以及弗米爾(Hans Vermeer)的目的論作為此研究的理論基礎。透過原文與譯文的分析,檢視譯者應培養什麼翻譯能力用以翻譯題材類似的文本,而在翻譯的過程當中,譯者運用了哪些策略及技巧,讓譯文達到最理想的溝通傳譯的目的與效果。本文一共有五章,第一章為緒論,闡述筆者研究此論文之動機、目的與方法。第二章則簡述美國文學發展的歷史中,小說文體題材的進程與特色,並介紹作者史托基特的創作背景與《姊妹》的內容大要。第三章探討譯者於翻譯的過程,透徹瞭解與運用對文本的文化知識背景,並充分掌握上下文語境,進而在譯文當中補足言外之意、妥善運用四字套語,提供讀者完整且通暢的譯作閱讀品質。第四章討論譯者應如何權衡運用歸化與異化翻譯策略,以及譯者須培養如何處理來源語文本中,具有黑人語言文化特性如時態混用及雙重否定句的翻譯能力。第五章則為結論,總結本論文之研究成果並說明研究限制與建議。


姊妹 美國長篇小說 翻譯策略 歸化 異化


The study aims at evaluating the Chinese translation of The Help and analyzing the translation strategies based on theories of domestication and foreignization proposed by Lawrence Venuti, and Skopos theory by Hans Vermeer. Translation competence in dealing with topic-related source texts and translation skills applied within in order to produce the most efficient target language texts are demonstrated in the discussions. This paper is devided into five chapters. Chapter One introduces the motivation, purpose, and research methods of this study. Chapter Two is an overview of the history of American novels, and a brief introduction of Kathryn Stockett, the author of The Help. Chapter Three discusses the need for translators to understand the background knowledge of source-language texts and its culture, which will help translators develop a profound understanding whilst reading the contexts, and be able to provide excellent translation quality with the use of certain skills. The fourth chapter illustrates the importance for a translator to be able to apply domestication and foreignization strategies appropriately judging from the context, and characteristics of written African-American English are also addressed in this chapter, served as references for translators in dealing with such kind of texts. Chapter Five is the concluding chapter devoted to sum up the major findings and suggestions of this study.


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