  • 學位論文


Applying the Employee Performance Bond for Ocean Freight Forwarders

指導教授 : 楊雅玲


近年來海運承攬運送業對於員工作業與公司治理,制定許多標準流程或風險管理辦法,但因員工不誠實行為造成公司經營損失的事件時有所聞。員工不誠實行為為企業在人事管理上的風險,傳統保證人制度於損失發生時可能得不到相對補償。本研究之目的即在探究員工不誠實行為的種類,並探討人事保證保險於海攬業運用,最後瞭解影響海攬業投保意願之因素。 本研究應用風險管理流程對海攬業者所面臨之員工不誠實行為風險進行風險辨識與衡量,並對人事保證保險商品用於管理員工不誠實行為之現況與進行調查。以保單對照法和業者訪談法發現,海攬業的員工不誠實行為有六種,以風險矩陣衡量這六種行為風險程度發現:(1) 極度風險的有「競業行為」;(2) 高度風險的有「惡意商業行為」、「離職前為收帳款造成公司損失」;(3) 中度風險的有「因執行職務行為牽連公司遭受賠償請求」;(4) 低度風險的有「侵占公司資產、侵占退佣款項」、「擅自離職或提前終止僱傭契約」。運用多元迴歸分析投保意願與公司風險管理能力、受訪者風險知覺、受訪者社會經濟因素三者間關係,研究結果顯示:(1)公司風險管理能力對投保意願無顯著影響;(2)風險知覺對投保意願則有顯著的正影響;(3)受訪者社會經濟因素中性別、公司成立時間與員工總數有顯著影響。最後依風險管理策略加以建議,進而將研究成果提供海攬業者及保險業者做為參考。


In recent years, ocean freight forwarder set up standard procedures or risk management to administer corporations. However, sometime we can hear that corporations have a great loss because of employees’ dishonesty. Employees’ dishonesty is a risk in personnel management and it may not be compensated for the losses. The purpose of this study is that the employee performance bond using of ocean freight forwarders and finally understands the impact of insured factors. The aim of this paper is applying risk identification and risk measurement to investigate the employees’ dishonest behavior, and explore the employee performance bond how to applying for ocean freight forwarders. The results of this study showed that six employees’ dishonest behavior are sorted out four risk groups: (1) Competition behavior is belong to extreme risk; (2) Malicious business practices and receivable accounts before leaving the company lost cause are belong to high risk; (3) Because duties behavior implicated company suffered request for compensation is belong to moderate risk; (4) Occupation of the company's assets and commission and unauthorized leave or early termination of the employment contract is belong to low risk. Applying multiple regression equation to establish the relations about risk management capabilities of company, respondents’ perceived risk, respondents’ socio-economic factors on desire of insure. The study shows company’s risk management has no significant effect on desire of insure. The risk perceived has significant positive effect on desire of insure. The gender, how long ago company established, and total number of employees have significant positive effect on desire of insure. Finally, this paper suggests some risk management strategies to ocean freight forwarders and insurance industry.


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