  • 學位論文


Recovery from Sexual Assault: A study from Pastoral Care Perspective.

指導教授 : 吳慈恩


本研究以童年遭遇性侵害的女性基督徒被害者為主體,透過聖經故事與被害者故事的進行對比、分析、詮釋、彙整。邀請三位研究參與者進行質性研究,使用深度訪談法,以敘事分析進行資料的處理,並經由女性視角的主體經驗觀看性侵害靈性創傷全貌。以實踐神學為神學根基,女性神學與故事神學作為研究輔助,提供教牧人員方針以協助被害者找到靈性創傷的議題。 本研究發現,現今教會在女性議題並沒有提供充足適切的牧養關顧。台灣女性被害者與聖經「她瑪公主」的受害經驗,有六個相同靈性創傷面向,分別有:受創的女人形象、男性暴力的威脅、多重創傷的經驗、烙印的痛苦、隱晦的暴力、尋求公義。整理如下, (1) 從三位被害者故事與聖經她瑪公主故事比對,研究發現影響靈性創傷面向,沒有因著世代、性侵害類型、加害人、文化或社會而受影響,其創傷面向都具一致性。 (2) 以傳統上帝觀、貞操文化及父權文化在詮釋聖經、皆會造成女性被害者在信仰上的迷思與創傷。 (3) 台灣基督徒女性被害者在創傷內涵裡,因增加靈性創傷層面,所以造成創傷因素會高於其他無宗教信仰者。 (4) 經由被害者的經驗與聖經故事的對比,「眼淚」是被害者靈性復原力的重要歷程之一。


This study mainly focused on the female Christians who have been sexually assaulted during their childhood. The collected data were compared and contrasted, analyzed, interpreted, and summarized through Bible stories and the participants’ own stories. The researcher utilized Qualitative Research Method. The researcher has invited three participants for in-depth interviews and then analyzed the data through Narrative Analysis. Furthermore, it was then observed from the female’s subjective experiences to overlook sexual assault as an overall Spiritual Trauma. This study aimed to use practical theology as the foundation, and female theology and story theology as the research supplementary in order to provide pastoral teachers for the future assistance of finding the victims’ Spiritual Traumatized Issue.The finding of this research was that there was not sufficient and appropriate pastoral care regarding the female issues. There were six similar traits of Spiritual Trauma between Taiwanese female participants and princess Tarma from the Bible in terms of their traumatized experiences. They were as follows: Traumatized female image, Male threat of violence, Multiple trauma Experience, Deep down trauma hounds, Obscure violence, and Seeking of justice. (1) From the compare and contrast of three participants and princess Tarma’s stories, the researcher has discovered that in terms of Spiritual trauma, there was a consistency in terms of their trauma phase regardless of different generations, types of sexual assault, offender, culture or society. (2) If we used the traditional image of God, virginity culture, and patriarchal culture to interpret Bible, it would cause female victims religious myth and trauma. (3) As for Taiwanese female Christians, since their trauma included Spiritual trauma, thus their traumatized factors would be more than non-religious victims. (4) Throughout the compare and contrast of the participants and the Bible story, “Tear” was one of the important processes of Spiritual restoration.


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