  • 學位論文


The Impact of Carbon Offset Schemes on Low-Cost Carriers

指導教授 : 盧曉櫻
共同指導教授 : 黃泰林


近年來低成本航空公司(low cost carrier, LCC)在亞洲區內大幅度的增長、擴張規模、增加機隊,與一般航空公司(full service network carrier, FSNC)競爭激烈,雖然帶動亞洲區內航空運輸,也對環境造成很不少影響。為了可永續發展,航空公司必須維護環境,以執行碳抵銷計畫回饋社會,碳抵銷計畫對以低成本高載客率營運的LCC會帶來額外的營運車成本,未來旅客自願碳抵銷計畫會影響機票價格,旅客必須自行負擔航空旅行時所排放的二氧化碳(CO2),亞洲區內短途航線如由台灣桃園國際機場飛往新加坡、吉隆坡、馬尼拉、香港、曼谷、北京、東京等都是LCC與FSNC熱門航線,LCC在該航線之單一旅客的碳抵銷費用。以蒐集資料以及數學計算出在飛行該航線所排放的二氧化碳並計算單一旅客所需支付的碳抵銷費用。 以最高碳排放價格台幣1200元執行碳抵銷計畫時,將對航空公司以及航空旅客影響約4.5%的成本以及票價上漲,以窄體客機營運短途航線的碳抵銷費用佔航空票價3.31%至4.78%,而以寬體客機營運的碳抵銷費用佔航空票價4.01%至6.90%,使用最適當的機型可降低碳抵銷費用,以及降低對旅客的影響。


The development of low-cost carriers (LCCs) in the Asian region has driven the growth of air traffic in Asia. With the ongoing competition between LCCs and full service network carriers (FSNCs), there are also negative impacts on the environment at the same time. To achieve sustainable development, implementing a carbon offset program is one of the methods that airlines have undertaken to mitigate the impacts of aircraft engine pollutants. Given the unique characteristics of the LCC business model, this thesis investigates the implications of carbon offset schemes on LCC’s operating costs and the carbon offset cost per passenger¸ focusing on intra-Asian short-haul flights, and comparing the difference between LCCs and FSCs. With a carbon offset price at NT$1,200 per tonne, the impact of a carbon offset program is an increase of around 4.5% of operating costs for carriers, and hence on air fares, assuming the cost is fully borne by passengers. The carbon offset cost on short-haul routes using narrow-bodied aircraft would account for 3.31% - 4.78% of air fares. When operating wide-bodied aircraft, the carbon offset cost would be increased to 4.01% - 6.90% of air fares. Using the most appropriate aircraft for a given route can reduce the cost of carbon offsetting, and, hence, the impact on passengers.


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