  • 學位論文


The implications of carbon trading and offset schemes on airline operations

指導教授 : 盧曉櫻
共同指導教授 : 黃泰林(Tay-Lin Hwang)


隨著環保意識抬頭,二氧化碳排放早已成為國際間注目課題,國際民航組織為因應歐盟將航空運輸納入現有歐盟碳交易機制的政策缺失,除了針對航空器引擎二氧化碳排放制定新的認證標準外,已考量擬定全球市場機制控制溫室氣體排放,初步可行策略包括碳交易與碳抵銷措施;市場機制可能涉及全世界各國的航班,其航班包含國際航班及國內航班。 本研究探討碳交易及碳抵消措施對航空公司航線營運之潛在影響,主要針對台灣航空公司的短途、中途、長途航線之不同航線,搭配航空公司現有機型進行計算,也納入台灣可能購買之新式機型,來評估航空公司在選擇航線上需搭配不同機型來減少航空器之碳排放量或碳成本潛力,本研究利用分析性數學模型搭配國際民航組織之數學模型,計算航空器引擎啟動後所需排放之二氧化碳,推估航空公司所需增加之航線成本,及旅客所需負擔之金額。


Apart from setting new CO2 emission standards for aircraft engines, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has been considering the potential global market-based measures as a means of mitigating the climate impact of aviation in response to the inclusion of the air transport industry in the European union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS). The current proposed measures include carbon trading and carbon offset schemes, which might affect all international and domestic flights in the world. This paper investigates the impacts of various forms of carbon trading and offset scheme on airline operating costs and on ticket prices, focusing on the air carrier operations of Taiwanese airlines. In addition, various measures either from airline or government initiatives will be evaluated in light of their potential for reducing aircraft carbon emissions or carbon costs. Analytical mathematical models are developed for estimating the increase in airline costs and fares. The outcomes will assist policy makers in airlines and government in response to the implementation of ICAO’s carbon offset and carbon trading.


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7. 呂怡慧,「以市場措施改善航空器汙染對環境之影響 」,長榮大學航運管理學系碩士論文,民國一百年六月。
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1. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), “Carbon Emissions Calculator”, Version 3, August 2010.


