  • 學位論文


Life and Death of a Profession─ Stories of Social Workers Taking License Examination

指導教授 : 黃肇新


本研究訪談參與社工師考試五位社工員,運用主題分析資料處理方法,詮釋社工員面對考試制度的反應與行動。 社工師法上路,社會工作師國家考試啟動以後牽動了一整個時代社工員的命運。根據本研究的訪談資料,社工員對社工師考試有三個感受:一、執照給我專業形象;二、執照給我工作保障?;三、執照折煞老社工。當中受訪資淺社工員對執照呈現順從態度,認為証照可為自己加上光環,有增加工作條件籌碼及豐富應徵履歷的功能,受訪資深社工員則焦慮於一生積累將被一紙証書打敗,即使有多年資歷但仍不如考得執照,對資深者而言執照是職位升遷的跳板。 然而除了被動的接受執照考試的影響之外,社工員也有更積極的期待。受訪的社工員認為專業的建立不只在形式上的頒發執照,更需要專業團體自主性的展現,因此除了執照或社工師法之外,有些社工認為專業是需要由專業者與專業團體共同形塑。主流專業團體應發揮功能凝聚專業力量,落實法令要求機構保障社工師的工作機會,不同意主流的另類專業社群也應強化其能力,創造不同的專業發展路徑,促進社工專業的多元發展。


This study interviews five social workers taking social worker examination, and interprets the response and action of social worker facing examination system through thematic analysis of data processing methods. Since the social worker license act came into effect, the national social worker license examination affects significantly the destiny of all the social workers of this age. According to the interview data collected by this study, there are generally three perceptions of social workers towards social worker examination: 1. license offers me a professional image; 2, license provides me an occupational guarantee? 3, license shadows the old social worker. Among the interviewees, the social workers with relatively less working experience manifest obedience attitude towards license, considering license a tool to enhance the professional facility, to effectively increase occupational chip required and make the curriculum vitae more convincing; while the senior social workers are highly concerned that all their lifetime efforts could be neglected by a piece of license -- years of hard working experiences are inferior than a certified license. From the viewpoint of the seniors, license is a springboard of workplace promotion. Apart from to accept passively the influence of license examination, however, the social worker is supposed to hold more expectations with positive attitude. The social workers interviewed believe that the establishment of specialty can not be founded only by licensing, the autonomy demonstrated by professional bodies are even more essential. Consequently, in addition to the licensing and social worker act, the shaping of professional identity involves both professional and professional body. The mainstream professional bodies ought to exert the function of cohering professional strength, and implement the applicable law for requiring the relevant institution to protect the employment opportunity of social worker; the other professional communities disagreeing with the mainstream are supposed to strengthen their capacity, in order to create different path for professional development and further promote the diversified growth of social worker career.


何彩燕(2005)〈社會工作師職涯轉換之研究〉。《臺灣社會工作學刊》,4:79 -105。
