  • 學位論文


A study of adequacy of mental health needs assessment and service programs in the optoelectronic technology industry

指導教授 : 張菊惠


過去關於職場健康促進的學術研究與政府介入措施多為「有形的」生理健康議題,研究取向以需求探查和方案介入成效評估為主。然而心理健康議題與生理徵象反應或 生理健康議題互為因果關係,如同壓力可能造成抽菸、不正常飲食等不健康行為甚至影響睡眠、情緒等。而心理健康議題又都是企業主管重視之員工健康目標,但卻極少成為促進健康活動規劃的主要項目。尤其是從事高科技職場員工,因產業特性與勞動環境而增加心理健康需求的迫切。因此,本研究為瞭解高科技工作者自評心理健康狀態及其對心理健康服務的需求,另一方面瞭解現行高科技職場心理健康促進服務提供內容與模式,檢視供需間落差,提出高科技職場適切之心理健康服務方案建議。 研究採用多元方法,使用問卷調查、深入訪談與整合文獻檔案分析進行資料蒐集與分析。調查研究對象為台南科學園區某一光電產業高科技公司,以普查方式進行,共發出問卷900份,回收484份,回收率為53.8%。問卷內容包括「自評心理健康狀態」、「心理健康服務的需求及看法」與「基本資料調查」。以描述性和推論性統計進行資料分析。深入訪談對象以立意取樣訪談兩位廠護及一位人資主管,瞭解該產業現行健康服務方案內容、模式與執行困難、障礙,探究其服務提供者需求評估為何。質化資料以WinMax98進行資料處理與主軸編碼,再歸納形成範疇進行檢視。研究結果如下: 一、有六成以上員工覺得容易緊張、倦怠與失去活力,五成有心悸、胸悶與腸胃不適,高達七成員工認為上述生、心理徵狀與工作壓力有關。整體而言女性自評心理健康較男性差,男性卻是職階越高者心理健康越趨負向,女性則是低階工作者較差。對心理健康服務的需求,近半年關心心理健康原因以自我需要及工作需要為多,關心議題為壓力、情緒管理及睡眠障礙。而沒有特別關心此議題主因為沒時間及沒管道,保密性、信任感及專業性則是員工最在乎因素。 二、心理健康服務現況:曾進行心理篩檢企業,由學術單位與醫療機構促成而整併年度健檢內合辦,傳統企業仍依勞工健康保護規則規定辦理體檢。個案管理透過整合、外包、內置與仿EAPs內置模式轉介高風險個案進行心理諮商或其他服務。講座由人資主導,透過健康中心協助尋求相關主題醫師或專家主講。大規模企業提供舒壓按摩方案,中小型企業仍以傳統年度福利方案為主。制度方面提供多元面向的職場健康促進制度、員工健康課程學分認證、基層幹部種子訓練營隊及增聘身心科醫師駐廠服務制度。另外則有企業已設置舒壓室與投籃機短暫舒壓設備。 三、檢視心理健康需求評估與心理健康服務現況,供需落差仍存在:未納入非疾病導向的心理健康篩檢流程、女性作業員容易因職務特性具健康不平等之特性以及依需求 評估為導向仍得不到預期心理健康促進成效等落差存在。


In the past, most of the academic researches and governmental measures about the improvement of occupational health are visible mental health issues, such as health of lecture, weight loss and smoking cessation and so on. And most of the research orientations focused on requirement investigation and assessment evaluation of cases. However, the study shows that there is a relationship among mental health issues and physiological reaction of measures and physiological health issues. For example, stress causes people to smoke, to diet abnormally, to sleep difficultly, and even to depress. Although enterprises take mental health of employees seriously, they hardly promote mental health program, such as stress management, sleep disturbance and emotion management. Especially, the employees in the high-technology workplaces need more mental health requirement than employees in other fields do. Therefore, in order to understand the difference between mental health needs of high-technology workers and the service programs provided by high-technology industries, this study investigates this issue and proposes appropriate suggestions. This adoption of this research is multi-method which use questionnaire survey and in-depth interview and meta-analysis to gather data and analysis. The object of study is one optoelectronic industry in Tainan Science Park. The researcher of this study distributed a total of 900 copies of the questionnaire by census, and of these 900, 484 copies were completed, giving a return of 53.8%. The research of questionnaire includes self-evaluation of mental health, the requirement of mental health service and personal information. Using the respondents to in-depth interview to interview with three factory nurses and one manager of human resources, the researcher understand how hard it is to execute the content and mode of health service in high-technology workplace. Qualitative data is produced and inspected by WinMax98 analysis, axial coding, and generalized categories. The analysis of the data revealed the following main conclusions: More than 60% of employees think they feel nervous, exhausted and listless easily; 55.8% of them have palpitations, Chest tightness, and stomach problems; 71.7% of them consider that the physiological and mental conditions are related to working stress. Overall, females think that their mental health is worse than males’. And, the higher post males get, the more negative their mental health will become; female workers doing lower level jobs tend to get worse mental health. As for the needs for mental health service, in the past 6 months, the reasons for the concern for mental health are mainly self needs and work needs, and the main issues are stress management, emotion management, and sleep disturbance. The main reason for why less attention is drawn to this issue is the lack of time and channel. Confidentiality, credibility, and specialty are factors that employees care most. The current situation of mental health service: the mental inspection that some corporations has undergone could be integrated into annual health inspection. Traditional corporations conduct health inspection in accordance with the rules of labor health protection. Case management could be transferred into high-risk case by the means of integrity, out-sourcing, built-in, and resembling EAPs built-in model to process mental counseling or other service. Lecture courses are directed by human resource manager, and doctors or experts of related fields are invited to give lecture by health center. Big-scaled corporations provide the massage service, and small and medium-sized enterprises still put emphasize on traditional welfare program. Institution offers multi-faced system of occupational health promotion, the validation of credits of employee health course, basic cadre training camp, and hiring doctors to serve in workplace. Some corporations have already set up temporary easing equipments, such as massage room and shooting machine. The gap between supply and demand still exists while inspecting the current situation of mental health assessment and service. For example, the inspection process of mental health does not subsume the non-disease orientation, and female workers tend to cause the difference because the post they hold possess the health unfair characteristic and the orientation based on needs assessment cannot reach the expected mental health.


