  • 學位論文

信仰為基礎非營利組織的使命與實踐 -台南地區長老教會籌組協會之研究

Faith Based Non-Governmental Organizations Mission and Practice. Research into Presbyterian Church Related Agencies in the Tainan Region

指導教授 : 黃肇新


本研究以台南地區長老教會籌組之協會做為研究對象,探討地方教會籌組協會之動機;地方教會籌組協會的內部治理與從事社會福利服務之過程,及以信仰為基礎之非營利組織在參與社區及社會服務時的優勢與限制。 研究採文獻分析與訪談法探討台南地區長老教會籌組協會的治理運作與組織對外關係。研究之發現如下:內部治理方面深受教會組織影響,教會對於所籌組之協會運作與決策握有相當的影響力;在對外關係方面,協會在教會內與對教會外招募志工或籌措財源均得到不同的回應,志工的參與和資金的捐助大多來自內部基於信仰因素。而在與公部門的合作關係上:發現經費過度依賴政府容易造成青黃不接的窘境。在信仰與組織運作之關聯上:面對外界的懷疑-協會本身強調的是『服務』而不是以『傳福音』作為條件;面對教會增長期待而言:是服事,靈魂得救與否不宜相提並論,教會往往有領人歸信的期待, 這對協會而言往往形成壓力。


The research in this paper looks into Presbyterian Church Social Service Agencies in the Tainan Region. It delves into agencies directly related to local congregations, analyzing their management structures, their encounters with communities, their welfare services and the advantages and limitations that they face because of their being both “faith-based” and “non-governmental.”. Research was conducted by reading documents and conducting interviews in order to ascertain these agencies’ internal management structures and external relationships. Topics considered included aspects of internal management and influence from church organizations. It was discovered that churches maintain a tight grasp on these agencies and wield great power. In analyzing the external relationships of the agencies in terms of volunteers and sources of funding, there was great variation. Those who gave of their lab our and substance were often motivated by their religious faith. Analysis of public sector cooperation revealed an over-dependence on government subsidies that often led to temporary shortages of funds and difficult situations. Analysis of the agencies’ relationships to congregations found a conflict between the assertions that the agency was in place to “serve” over against expectations from inside the church that it existed to “spread the gospel”. Clarifying the difference between the two was not an easy topic for discussion when congregational leaders had heavy faith-related expectations. Their points of view can be seen to exert a constant pressure on the agencies concerned.


呂朝賢 (2008)。非營利組織與政府的關係:以九二一賑災為例,台灣社會福利學刊(電子期刊)第二期,pp.39-77,http://www.sinica.edu.tw/asct/asw/journal/TJSW2_2.pdf。
Edward L.& Queen Ⅱ(2000). Religion and the Emerging Context of Service Delivery. In Edward L. Queen (Ed.) Serving Those in Need(pp.2-11) . San Francisco: JOSSEY-BASS.


