  • 學位論文


The Study of Traveler’s Image, Tourism Experience, Perceived Value and the Revisit Willingness at the World Game in Kaohsiung City.

指導教授 : 張孝銘
共同指導教授 : 陳秀榮(Sharon Chen)


近年來在都市整體發展建設下,高雄市努力的將原本的重工業發展城市,改變成以海洋港都為特色的城市。在2004年高雄市與IWGA完成主辦城市簽約手續後,在城市諸多建設方面也如火如荼的展開,遊客對於將要舉辦世界運動會的認知也會慢慢提高。 因此,本研究目的主要分析遊客對於高雄市在世界運動會前之感受,並根據相關文獻擬訂出研究變項,包含意象、旅遊體驗、知覺價值、重遊意願等來探討遊客對於高雄市之感受。本研究採問卷調查方式,研究對象為前往高雄市旅遊之遊客,問卷發放地點於蓮池潭、國立科學工藝博物館及旗津海岸公園等地,共發放666份問卷,共獲有效問卷630份。統計分析以t考驗、單因子多變量變異數分析、相關分析及迴歸分析來驗證本研究之假設,本研究有以下發現: (一)遊客在旅遊意象感受上不會受到人口統計變項之影響,但在旅遊次數越多者,對於高雄市意象更為深刻。 (二)遊客在賽會意象上僅不同居住地有顯著性差異存在,而台灣地區之遊客對於此賽會舉辦認知比國外地區遊客更為深刻;而在旅遊經驗則會因旅遊次數越多,其對於高雄市意象更為深刻。 (三)遊客在旅遊體驗感受上僅有旅遊經驗會因旅遊次數越多,其對於高雄市意象更為深刻。 (四)遊客在知覺價值方面僅有旅遊經驗會因旅遊次數越多,其對於高雄市意象更為深刻。 (五)遊客在重遊意願方面僅有旅遊經驗會因旅遊次數越多,其對於高雄市意象更為深刻。 (六)遊客之「旅遊意象」對於「旅遊體驗」有顯著正相關存在,顯示遊客對於高雄市旅遊意象越高,其旅遊體驗感受也會增高。 (七)遊客之「旅遊體驗」與「知覺價值」有顯著正相關存在,顯示遊客對於高雄市旅遊體驗感受越高,其知覺價值也隨之增高。 (八)遊客之「旅遊意象」與「重遊意願」有顯著正相關存在,顯示遊客對於高雄市旅遊意象越高,其再度旅遊的意願也隨之增高。 (九)遊客之「旅遊體驗」與「重遊意願」有顯著正相關存在,顯示遊客對於高雄市旅遊體驗感受越高,其再度旅遊的意願也隨之增高。 (十)遊客之「知覺價值」與「重遊意願」有顯著正相關存在,顯示遊客對於高雄市知覺價值感受越高,其再度旅遊的意願也隨之增高。 (十一)遊客在「旅遊意象」、「賽會意象」、「知覺價值」構面上對於「重遊意願」具有預測作用。


Kaohsiung City has transformed from an industry-focused town into an ocean harbor. Its tourism environment has especially been attended to to promote the city image. In 2004, the city government signed a contract with the International World Games Association (IWGA) for the hosting of the first international competition in Taiwan, attempting to introduce Taiwan to the world. The purpose of this study was to analyze traveler perception of Kaohsiung City, venue of the 2009 World Games. According to previous research, major variables of concern for the present study include tourism image, tourism experience, perceived value, and revisit willingness. Questionnaires were administered to 666 tourists in Cijin, Lotus Lake, and National Science and Technology Museum in Kaoshiung City. A non-random sampling method was employed. A total of 630 valid questionnaires were returned. The collected data were statistically analyzed using t-test, one-way MANOVA, Pearson Correlation Analysis, and Regression Analysis. The results are shown in following: 1. Demogrpahic variables did not affect the tourism image of Kaohsiung City, but concerning the tourism experience of travelers, their travel frequency had a significant effect on their impressions of the city. 2. The residence of travelers had a significant effect on the sport image of Kaohsiung City, and concerning the tourism experience of travelers, their travel frequency had a significant effect on their impressions of the city. 3. Concerning the tourism experience of travelers, their travel frequency had a significant effect on their impressions of the city. 4. Concerning the perceived value of travelers, their travel frequency had a significant effect on their impressions of the city. 5. Concerning the revisit willingness of travelers, their travel frequency had a significant effect on their impressions of the city. 6. The tourism image of Kaohsiung City had a positive effect on the tourism experience of travelers. 7. The tourism experience of travelers had a positive influence on their perceived value. 8. The tourism image of Kaohsiung City had a positive influence on the revisit willingness of travelers. 9. The tourism experience of travelers had a positive influence on their revisit willingness. 10. The perceived value of travelers had a positive influence on their revisit willingness. 11. The analysis of tourism image, sport image, and perceived value reached a 46 percent success rate in predicting the revisit willingness of travelers. Based on the findings, theoretical and practical implications were discussed.


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